So, Give Them Death!

Image: Demonstrators protest stay-at-home orders outside of Los Angeles City Hall on May 1, 2020.
Attribution: Frederic J. Brown / AFP – Getty Images

Seriously! Give them death! I’m just f***ing over it! I don’t care anymore. I just don’t care! The majority must rise up against these f***tards and exterminate all of them. I am so f***ing tired of these snowflakes claiming that temporary social distancing mandates — for the greater good — are somehow the end of the f***ing world. I’m over it: kill them all! I hate these people with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns. F*** these people! As usual, it is the conservative/libertarian that simply has no concept of the greater good as if we don’t actually live in a society whereby everybody has a duty to uphold the social contract, but then again I am getting too philosophical for the average moron out there. It is selfishness and greed on steroids with these morons. Ugh! I am trapped in stupid hell America. Think of the average moron in America. Now consider half of the country is dumber than that person! And those are the traitor trump supporters and the MAGA moron protesters! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s all stupid all the time!

America Is Simply Too Stupid to Survive

According to Vox, “At the event, Trump is likely to continue working to convince Americans that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is already in the rear-view mirror. He has consistently done so, recently encouraging protesters agitating against stay-at-home orders, and saying last week, ‘I am very much in favor of what they’re doing,’ referring to governors moving to reopen businesses. He’s declared ‘we’re opening our country again’ and proclaimed the country will be ready for any second wave of coronavirus that might arise in the fall or winter. But the US is not even close to being through the first wave. Not a single state has met a key reopening criterion identified by the White House coronavirus task force: a steady 14-day decline in new cases.” Of course, nothing really matters when America is simply too stupid to survive this. It only takes a small minority (aka MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals) to resist science and social distancing in order to perpetuate the spread of SARS 2. This pandemic is not a matter of most people needing to follow guidelines — everyone needs to do so and that just isn’t going to happen in the country of “me, me, me.” So get ready, f***tards. Things are about to get worse. Much, much worse. Mark my words! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s all stupid all the time!

It’s All Too Soon

From CNN, “But the relief of life inching back to normal comes with warnings from experts that it could make the effects of the pandemic worse. This week a model often cited by the White House upped its predictions for the US death toll by August, partially because of measures lifted prematurely. And how deadly an ‘inevitable’ second round of the virus will be depends on how prepared the United States is, the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week.” Of course, the pandemic is going to come roaring back sooner and worse because this is trump stupid America. People are playing with fire and severely underestimating SARS 2. The whole point of these lockdowns has been to buy time: time for hospitals to ramp up, testing to ramp up, treatments to be discovered and ramped up — none of which has occurred yet. So, here we go with people rushing back to normalcy thinking the worst has passed in part because idiot traitor trump said so; this is the stupid leadership we deserve because the dumbest people on the planet elected an incompetent moron to lead the nation. Hopefully, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans die first! Mark my words, f***tards! This country will never care until enough people have died, and for the MAGA morons, there is no such thing as too many dead people so long as God, guns, and gays!

The M*****f***ing Dumbest Country on the Planet: America

According to USA Today, “After President Donald Trump wondered Thursday about possibly injecting disinfectants into people infected with the coronavirus, ‘Tide Pods’ and other household cleaners began trending on Twitter. ‘And then I saw the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way we could do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning,’ the president said during his White House press briefing. ‘As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.’ Afterwards, Bill Bryan, an undersecretary of science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, clarified that that wasn’t possible and said, ‘We don’t do that within that lab, at our labs.’ However, Trump replied: ‘maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work.’”

And this from The Hill, “‘So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it,’ Trump said. ‘And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting.’” Clearly, the most trump stupid things ever said by anyone — ever! This is completely consistent with then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s “explosive” comment wherein he called traitor trump a “fucking moron.” Yup! Everyone has known it for years, except of course all of traitor trump’s supporters because there is only one way such morons can look up to that f***tard president and think he’s a stable genius: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals are dumber than he is, which is precisely the level of stupidity that pervades America! We need a Tiergartenstraße 4 program!

And traitor trump is the Idiot-in-Chief where over 40% of Americans think he is doing a good job. I f***ing give up! Please, by all means, let every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil Evangelical drink bleach to kill SARS 2. I! Can’t! Take! This! F***tarded! Country! Anymore! The fact that this country of idiots elected traitor trump as president is so f***ing embarrassing. Hello, traitor trump supporters! Please, go kill yourselves! Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber by the day! I can’t wait for the same morons of America to re-elect this f***tard. Mark my words!

Einsatzgruppen for RepubliKKKlans et al.

Reporting from CNN, “Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida — all states with Republican governors — have announced plans to roll back social distancing measures over the next few weeks. According to public health experts and institutions, including the WHO and CDC, social distancing is already the absolute baseline when it comes to facing down a deadly and highly contagious disease. We really need the mass manufacture of tests and the attendant supplies necessary to test, not to mention adequate tracking and treatment. Plus, of course, actual widespread testing.” We need the Einsatzgruppen to exterminate RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil Evangelicals, and protesters because their SARS 2 beliefs and actions are going to kill us all! Welcome to trump stupid America. The f***tards of America elected a moron as president and this what we get. All any person with a brain needed to do was pay attention to traitor trump for the 18+ months during the presidential campaign to understand he is a complete fraud and moron. Yet stupid America voted for him anyway, so I say it’s time to start culling the herd of dumb people!

The Epitome of Stupid: Everyman America

Chris Cillizza from CNN could not have summed up traitor trump more perfectly, “This past 10 days should serve as conclusive evidence of one thing: Donald Trump isn’t playing three-dimensional chess with his presidency. He doesn’t have some sort of grand blueprint against which he has been and continues to execute. There is no method to this madness, he is making it up as he goes along. … If this doesn’t make sense to you, it’s because it doesn’t make sense. Trump isn’t a grand political strategist, a puppeteer pulling the strings of the media and the Democrats based on some script that only he can see. Instead, he just picks up a different puppet every day and makes it talk. There’s no rhyme or reason. No secret sauce. Just Donald Trump doing and saying whatever he’s hot on at that particular second.” And this! is why f***tarded MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think traitor trump is some kind of f***ing G.D. genius. I can’t! I just can’t anymore! The level of stupidity in this country is beyond comprehension. How is it a moron like traitor trump keeps stumbling into one self-made crisis after another and pretends to have implemented a fake fix yet people just f***ing believe him, evinced by the fact his job approval rating hasn’t sunk to the single digits. Unless Congress is threatening to take away their health care, this president can do no wrong! He lies daily. He is clearly winging it. He basically takes the weekends off as president. He is the dumbest, laziest, and the most self-serving hypocritical president we’ve ever had, and 44% of the population think that is just fine with them. Dare I say that 44% in the polls is understated because there is a good 5% of closet traitor trump supporters who are too ashamed to admit it — not to be confused with those who agree with the one or two things he has managed to get right, e.g., banning bump stocks. How can this be?

It is because traitor trump is the Everyman of American society. It’s embarrassing. He’s embarrassing. This country is embarrassing. Welcome to trump stupid America where, well, see for yourself!