More Proof That America Is a Bunch of F***tards, Doomed to Everlasting Stupidity

From The Hill, “President Trump has ended former President Obama’s 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday. Eighteen percent of the survey’s respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden.”

How long have I been saying it? How f***ing long? America is doomed, and this Gallup poll is just more proof that America is too stupid to survive. It is all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time! All day, every day! In this disastrous last year of traitor trump’s presidency and after losing the election to become one of a handful of one-term presidents, traitor trump is the most admired man of 2020. Un-f***ing-believable. Yup! I’ve been right all along: America is f***ing G.D. stupid. Full of f***tards. Admired for what exactly? Killing hundreds of thousands through his incompetent handling of the pandemic? Botching COVID testing? Do they admire him for “Operation Warp Speed” (laughable), wherein the first company to bring a vaccine to market was not a part of traitor trump’s propaganda scheme? In fact, “Operation Warp Speed” will fall short of its 20 million vaccination promise by year-end by 18 million people. That is a 90 percent fail!

Maybe people admire him for driving the economy into the ground through his neglectful leadership during the pandemic. Or perhaps they admire him for being a loser — and a sore one at that. What the m*****f***ing G.D. hell? Are you f***ing kidding me? What!?!? What part of this last year has given people an excuse to admire the failed loser in the White House? Apparently, Americans love sore loser morons! Maybe! Most people in this God-forsaken country are a bunch of loser morons! Just look around. MAGA morons found their idiot messiah in loser traitor trump. Why am I not surprised? And people wonder why things have become so bad in America. Whatever! I give up! I can’t with the stupid anymore. The stupid is everywhere like a f***ing G.D. virus! Welcome to trump stupid America! We are never getting rid of him. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark my words!

‘Stop the Insanity’: What a F***ing Joke!

Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! What a f***ing G.D. joke of a headline! The entire traitor trump presidency has been one of insanity, so now the belief is that he’ll stop? Oh, they must be still operating on the expectation that he’ll become “presidential” promptly after four years of being anything but presidential. I hate dumb people! But here I am. I’m surrounded by stupidity. Moron publishers of a conservative publication think that somehow traitor trump will change as if they’ve been asleep for the last four years. Good luck with that. Whatever! Welcome to trump stupid America. The stupid is not going anywhere! Traitor trump is more popular today than he was at the beginning of his presidency all because of a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid country. Full stop! There is no other explanation needed nor required. It is just plain stupidity! It is that simple(ton).

When Votes Matter the Most, Morons Will Split Their Choices

I will repeat myself, again. No f***ing way Democrats win both seats. Never! Going! To! F***ing! Happen! And I will go one more prediction: voters will split their votes because they are too confused or too stupid to make up their minds. They will ease their confusion and mental suffering by either voting for one Democrat and one RepubliKKKlan or just vote in one runoff and not the other. Morons may think they are voting “strategically” when in fact it is just pure stupidity. The results of this special election in Georgia are going to be absolutely fascinating to analyze. Theoretically, if each side makes their best argument — and quite frankly the only argument that matters — namely, who controls the Senate in the first two years of the Biden administration then the number of votes should be identical for either set of Democratic and RepubliKKKlan challengers. That is to say, every person who voted for one Democrat or RepubliKKKlan would vote for the other. Then the election would only rely on which side gets out the most voters, but naturally, that won’t happen because people don’t vote strategically. They vote like morons — that’s what got traitor trump elected in the first place. Sadly, it is dumbass Democratic and progressive voters who will be unable to fall in line as RepubliKKKlans do. It never fails. Dumbass Democrats will deviate more than RepubliKKKlans and that will cost us the Senate because for the love of f***ing God all we ask for is that Democrats show the f*** up to the polls and vote for both Democratic candidates. I can’t! Eh, who cares anymore at this point? The incompetent party — RepubliKKKlans — usually wins in America! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbest People on Earth MAGA Morons and Traitor [T]rump

From CNN, “And in a trademark bombshell that blindsided aides, Trump on Tuesday also issued a sudden pre-Christmas demand for changes to a desperately needed $900 billion pandemic relief bill that risked shattering a fragile bipartisan compromise he had made no effort to shape. His move could send global markets into free fall and prolong the deprivation of millions of Americans who are going hungry or have lost their jobs. … The President’s new demand for payments of $2,000 for each American will strike a chord among many people who viewed the stimulus checks folded into the bill as miserly.”

All of this is hilarious. This is just the typical temper tantrum by the snowflake loser f***tard sitting in the White House — traitor trump, just to be precise. There is absolutely no upside to his calling for $2,000 payments while threatening to scuttle the COVID survival and budget legislation. Of course, traitor trump is too G.D. stupid to understand the no-win position he has created for himself — again! Although, it is likely he will have dupped his f***tard MAGA moron followers. Look, idiots! There are only three reasons he’s threatening the legislation now after it has been passed: first, for the attention; second, for revenge against RepubliKKKlans; and third, to appease his populist base. The first two are just a means to continue to create chaos in the country, which his MAGA moron followers f***ing love. Make no mistake, f***tards! Nearly 50 percent of America really, truly loves the spectacle and the chaos. Most people are bored with their lives, so they love the traitor trump reality show because they have nothing better to do except watch and perpetuate the chaos. I mean, this is a great reality show finality cliffhanger. Will he or won’t he? Will he blow up the legislation, or won’t he? Will people suffer, or will traitor trump “rescue” them? Must I remind the reader that 10 million more people voted for traitor trump in November because they wanted four more years of this sh*tshow? I can’t! It’s just all stupidity. At what point do people realize that traitor trump is f***ing with people’s lives? Eh, whatever. No one cares. This is what America deserves.

The last point shows that traitor trump is still “fighting” for the “average guy.” Of course, this is laughable. Yet, his herp derp followers believe him when he does things like this because welcome to trump stupid America! All of his f***tard followers will point to this latest stunt and say, see, he is fighting for us! OMG! I can’t with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid anymore. First, the $2000 survival payment was a Democratic ask in negotiations months ago, which the human turtle Mitch McConnell refused out of hand. Second, traitor trump has been utterly uninvolved in negotiating this piece of legislation, so he had months to push for a higher payment amount if he really, really wanted it, but did not — for months. If he genuinely wanted this for the “average guy,” then he would have demanded it as part of the negotiating process. But no! He can’t be bothered with the hard work. He can never be bothered. Now, suddenly he wants more money and wants to take credit for demanding $2000 payments after everything has been passed. Un-f***ing-believable! Whatever! Still, the MAGA morons believe his sincerity, as if he cares about them. This is why they think he is the greatest president ever. He rarely delivers, but he just pretends to care enough — and morons of America eat it up every f***ing time. Last, now he has given Democrats a talking point to push for higher payments, which will never happen. Again, traitor trump will have to cave and sign the legislation or look like a complete fool — again — as Congress overrides his veto if he goes that route, or he could just say f*** it, which has the greatest probability of occurring because traitor trump doesn’t care! He never has, and he cares even less now on his way out the door. Let the government shut down. I hope it does! I don’t care either. Those who are hurt the most by a government shut down are MAGA morons, for they indeed are the poorest and neediest in America. Whatever the case, Democrats will look like the heroes thwarted in their attempt to keep America going by traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans. It’s all just another demonstration of his complete fecklessness. What a worthless loser — again! Still! Always! Loved by his loser MAGA morons!

But no matter, stupid America loves him for it. They love the chaos and the stupidity, and the incompetence. F*** me! I hate the stupid in America. It hurts, and I’m tired of being surrounded by it! Again, I say traitor trump is the Everyman of America: stupid, lazy, uninformed, and a loser. America gets what it deserves! And we deserve traitor trump because morons of America voted for every bit of this disaster beginning 20 January 2017 and ending right up until 11:59:59 AM 20 January 2021. I have no doubt the American f***tards that call themselves voters thought all this would end after the election was called in November 2020 and that traitor trump would quietly go away. Never! Going! To! F***ing! Happen! It’s only going to get worse, morons. Mark my words! He’s just getting warmed up! The stupid never ends! Everywhere stupid, stupid everywhere. Welcome to stupid America! Whatever. I give up! This level of stupid can never be undone!

‘Trump’s calls to Putin may soon be revealed to Biden’s team — then what?’

Allow me to answer the question presented in the RawStory headline as forthrightly as I can: Not a G.D. thing! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! F*** all! That’s what will happen. Mark my words, f***tards. It is becoming increasingly clear that Biden will be in full-on “healing” mode instead of “accountability” mode, so as usual, traitors to the nation will get away with everything. RepubliKKKlans will be emboldened to obstruct Biden for the next four years, and Biden is just too weak to do anything about it. I’m not sure what part of RepubliKKKlan obstructionism against Democrats over the last several decades indicates to Biden that somehow he’ll be the exception. I can’t with the stupid anymore! Dumbass Democrats deserve what they get, and we got Biden. I voted for him because he was our best chance of winning, and I always knew in the back of my mind he would be weak and feckless to hold traitor trump and his administration accountable for their lawlessness, but now I’m reminded of how frustrating and painful it will be to watch RepubliKKKlans run circles around President Biden. McConnell will never say it aloud as he did with Obama, but his actions will be precisely the same to make Biden a one-term president. Yeah, Biden was correct to call himself a transition president — transition between a traitor trump “RepubliKKKlan” presidency and a more radical trumpism presidency in 2025. Instead of taking the next four years to destroy trumpism and MAGA morons, Biden will allow it to fester and grow. Traitor trump will be a shadow president constantly questioning Biden’s legitimacy, and Biden will wrongly assume Americans are smart enough to move on from traitor trump and racism and misogyny and the like. Wrong! Half this country wants chaos because this is stupid America! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid all the time!

Keep Giving to Traitor [T]rump, F***tards!

From The Hill, “Trump can use Save America money to pay family members and fund travel, hotel stays and expensive events in glamorous venues. Fund donations channeled to the RNC can be used in any GOP candidate’s race — including the Georgia run-off election that will determine control of the Senate and probably the future of Biden initiatives and cabinet appointments. The fund is the latest of Trump swindles and cheats. … [T]hey are complicit in misleading Trump loyalists into spending money they can’t afford, in the middle of a pandemic, to overturn an election that’s already decided, when they know nearly all of it will go into their pockets. It’s the perfect parting shot from an administration built on fraud, hubris, and contempt for America’s laws and people.”

Please! By all means! MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals keep giving your money to traitor trump. You f***tards should keep giving until you literally can’t give any more! Sell your possessions! Max out your credit cards! Drain your savings and checking accounts! Donate your 401K! Please, do it! Do it all. Stupid is as stupid does. Go poor and die as far as I’m concerned. If these morons have not yet realized the con man that is traitor trump, then f*** them. They deserve everything they get and they get no assistance from the government — after all, they are the party of personal responsibility! So be it! I’m f***ing over the stupid. Welcome to trump stupid America where a dead MAGA moron is a good MAGA moron. Improving America one dead MAGA moron at a time!

America Under Cyberattack: Traitor [T]rump Does Nothing, Nobody Cares

Reporting from CNN, “The massive data breach, revealed in the final weeks of Trump’s administration, amounts to a dramatic coda for a presidency clouded by questions of deference to Russia and unsuccessful attempts to warm relations with its President, Vladimir Putin. Just as he has largely ignored the latest surge in coronavirus cases, Trump appears to have all but abdicated responsibility in his final weeks in office. … Trump said nothing about the attack, which went undetected by his administration’s intelligence agencies for months. As those agencies now mobilize to assess the damage — which the government said Thursday could be more widespread than initially thought, posing a ‘grave risk to the federal government’ — the President himself remains silent on the matter, preoccupied instead with his election loss and his invented claims of widespread voter fraud.”

Eh! So what? Who cares? Seriously?!?! Who really f***ing cares anymore? I am so apoplectic by this and traitor trump’s complete indifference and all the MAGA morons loving the traitor even more as he continues to do nothing that I just can’t care anymore. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to survive and this latest Russian attack is more proof that I live in a country of m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards that cannot (should not) survive as a nation! The MSM is still more fascinated by that elderly person getting the first vaccination or that reporter asking if the vaccine is being injected at -70 degrees (Celsius). Make no mistake morons of American: this cyberattack by Russia is the 21 century equivalent of a military attack and nobody cares. This is an act of war you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards of the highest f***ing order, but whatever. Nobody cares!

Just remember that you did this! Yes, you! This is what Americans elected four years ago and we are still in that aftermath. This is what Americans wanted. This is what happens when the dumbest country on the planet elected the dumbest person in the world to be the leader of what used to be the Free World. It is also stupid America that thinks the course correction of electing Biden will somehow suddenly reverse the damage. We’re doomed and I don’t think Biden will be strong enough. Certainly stronger than traitor trump but just not strong enough — strong a la Obama who was rather weak in the face of Russia, especially in the final months of his presidency. America is too busy being fascinated by QAnon and conspiracy theories and anti-vaxxers and making sure bars stay open during the pandemic and posting pictures of funny-looking cats on Facebook. Yeah, America is f***ing screwed.

It’s all part of the American idiocracy that keeps thinking zig-zagging between political parties’ control of the White House is the most productive and beneficial course of action to advance the nation. Look in the mirror, f***tards! What do you see? Who is reflected back? Traitor trump! Yes! Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. America looks into the mirror and sees the incompetence, treachery, stupidity, and weakness that defines traitor trump and they love it! America needs the Einsatzgruppen to eliminate the stupidity and cancer that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals! Whatever! If you want to know what a dying country looks like then look in the mirror, moron! And if you are a MAGA moron or RepubliKKKlan then please use your Second Amendment right to expedite your trip to hell! Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid hurts and never ends. It’s the mirror, stupid!

More American Weakness

Oh my f***ing God! Enough televising every f***ing G.D. SARS 2 vaccination shot and every f***ing truckload departing the manufacture. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. For the last several days the MSM has been tripping all over themselves to show the first person at this or that hospital getting the shot or watch everybody! as this semi-truck pulls away from the loading dock going somewhere! Then there is the emotion of it all. God! There is nothing more annoying than the MSM making a mountain out of a molehill. If I have to hear one more moron anchor ask someone how does it feel to get the shot or what did the shot feels like, then I’m going to f***ing scream! F*** me! I’m not watching the news to hear about people’s feelings. Newspeople should not be asking, nor should they be asking other moronic questions live on camera — Is the vaccine at -70 degrees when you inject it? Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. What a trump stupid thing to ask! Hello, stupid people of America, especially those on live television who are supposed to represent at least a modicum of intelligence. No! The shot is not -70 degrees (Celcius) when injected into the arm for a whole host of logical reasons least of which is the vaccine would be frozen solid and cannot be drawn into the syringe at that temperature. It has to thaw you f***ing moron! OMG! Whatever! The stupid never ends. It’s TV personalities asking questions just to be saying crap, never mind thinking first.

Nonetheless, it has been one news show after another gushing over how the last shot was the most momentous achievement in all of f***ing human history — that actually happened once already in the U.K. OMG! I can’t. Enough with overdramatizing the issue. Yes, it is a significant achievement and it is the beginning of the end so we can return to normal, but that does not mean you need to have every first doctor or first nurse or first veteran or first senior citizen at each new location come on to describe how getting the SARS 2 vaccine feels like any other shot for any other insignificant purpose. This is why people hate the MSM. This is why I generally hate the MSM because those of us who just want facts and analysis presented in a cold, emotionless manner have to be subjected to the overly emotional and hypersensitivities of anchors and guests. God! Basta! Welcome to stupid America where emotions rule over rationality. This is why we got traitor trump because people still spend too much time feeling everything instead of thinking critically, and the MSM plays right into the emotional animal. And it sells!

Of Course, Traitor Trump Is Not Going Anywhere Least of All Jail

On Morning Joe, “’That’s not what they think,’ Costa added. ‘He’s not going away. There’s a growing acceptance, while he may be at Mar-A-Lago in 2021, he will not run from the scene. He may prepare to run in 2024. Even if he doesn’t, he’s going to be meddling in primary races in 2022, so many of these Republicans are operating sometimes out of loyalty, sometimes to be sharing in the theatrics of the moment and sometimes out of fear.’” I have always respected Bop Costa as a reporter because he has inside access to Congress and the White House like no other. His analysis is sober, unquestionably unbiased, and usually correct.

Of course, traitor trump is not going anywhere after he leaves office. He will be the kingmaker of a corrupt, mentally damaged, and delusional RepubliKKKlan Party, who — make absolutely no mistake — love him! And all this f***ing G.D. nonsense I keep hearing from dumbass Democrats, morons on the left, pundits, and political commentators in the MSM about traitor trump facing lawsuits and criminal investigations at the state level after he leaves office is driving me f***ing G.D. nuts. All these hopes and expectations that traitor trump or members of his crime family are going to jail is nothing but stupid think of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. As I said, traitor trump is not going anywhere — jail, Russia, into hiding, or otherwise. New York is not going to pursue the cases against him hard enough and long enough to jail him. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump will tie these matters up in court for years! New York has no interest in jailing him; they just want their money, so eventually, these cases and lawsuits will get settled out of court, signaling — naturally! — that the rich and powerful will get away with it — whatever it may be — again! Traitor trump has been getting away with it all his life and this will be no different because Democrats usually fail to prosecute political bad actors to the fullest extent of the law as they should. But whatever. No one has ever accused Democrats of having a backbone! No president — current or former — is ever going to be jailed! Period! Full! F***ing! Stop! This is a consequence-free country where anything goes, especially when it comes to RepubliKKKlans. Witness four years of the traitor trump presidency. So, get ready for traitor trump to influence RepubliKKKlan politics until he dies, which, of course, is never soon enough because God loves irony! Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re not done with him yet, if ever!

Bravo, Mellman! Bravo!

From The Hill, “After four years of Donald Trump’s severe intellectual and emotional impairments on daily display; after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the beginning of a ‘racial reckoning’; after Trump fought to take health care away from millions; after majorities acknowledged Trump was a serial liar and a racist who put himself first and didn’t care about people; after impeachment, COVID-19, a quarter million dead, an economy reeling; and after a $14 billion campaign, precious little changed. A lot more people voted, but they didn’t vote very differently. Trump’s share of the popular vote actually inched up 1 point over 2016, while Joe Biden improved on Hillary Clinton’s percentage by 2.9 points, with support for third parties obviously receding. Biden’s popular vote lead increased by less than 2 points over Clinton’s, though the gains were well located, yielding an electoral vote landslide for the president-elect [emphasis added].”

Very well said and precisely what I have been saying for well over a year, except that I was less confident (had no confidence actually) that Biden votes would be “well located” enough to win the Electoral College — and technically as of this writing, Biden has not won the Electoral College yet! Thankfully, I was wrong in my prediction, but some of the essence of what I’ve been espousing is more true now than ever, namely, traitor trump is the Everyman of America and we are not getting rid of him, MAGA morons, trumpism, or the RepubliKKKlan Party. Mellman is right. Nothing’s changed and I have said that many times before just as plainly. Pundits, political analysts, dumbass Democrats, and other morons seem to think this Biden win is some vindication of trumpism. That the country dodged a bullet. That we are on our way back to “normality.” B.S.! No f***ing way! All stupid thinking all the m*****f***ing time!

Biden’s win is nothing more than a reprieve from a continuously declining trump stupid America. Sorry to say it, f***tards, but there is no way after four years of traitor trump and RepubliKKKlan appeasement that dumbass Democrat’s failure to take the U.S. Senate, make gains in the U.S. House, and win state legislative bodies indicates anything other than RepubliKKKlan’s stranglehold on society and our politics. In short, those Americans who may not have liked traitor trump all that much and may not have voted for him sure did not have any issues with propping up a party that indulged every one of his treasonous and hateful behaviors. Mark my words, morons. I think Biden is in for four years of a lame duck presidency. Traitor trump has shown RepubliKKKlans how to f*** everything up and gain approval; I have no doubt they will take it to the next level because the people have condoned RepubliKKKlan’s worst behavior by electing more to office. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed! Nothing has changed!