Apples to Oranges: Traitor [T]rump Is Favored to Win

Source: FiveThirtyEight, Retrieved on 10 October 2020
Source: FiveThirtyEight, Retrieved on 10 October 2020

All things being unequal, Biden is exactly where Clinton was at this time in the 2016 race. To be precise, on 10 October 2016, Clinton was favored to win with 82.8% probability, and as of the same date four years later Biden is given 85 in 100 chances of winning. I say all things being unequal because who the f*** knows what may happen in the next three weeks. Anything — spontaneous or contrived — can alter the course of the race. I keep hearing moronic political pundits, commentators, and the MSM say that a big difference between now and then is that traitor trump has a record he’s running on, and it is a record against which voters can decide if they want to re-elect him. In short, four years ago traitor trump was the unknown maverick to “shake things up,” and today people supposedly (now) know what kind of president he has been and will continue to be. Indeed! Yet! And yet! I say it again — yet, traitor trump’s prospects of winning are no better nor worse than where he was four years ago — when he won! When! He! Won! Mark my words, morons! Get ready for four more years! I can’t with the stupid anymore! Welcome to stupid America! I live in trump stupid hell! Clearly, traitor trump has absolutely no chance of winning the popular vote, but enough Americans in all the right places love this man to get him re-elected!

Then there is this from The Hill, “Democrats are warning their voters not to become complacent as Joe Biden builds up a formidable polling lead in the race for the White House. … But Democrats are still deeply scarred from 2016, when Democrat Hillary Clinton was viewed as the heavy favorite heading into Election Day. They say that despite Biden’s polling strength, the political terrain is extremely volatile and that even small changes in their projected turnout models could produce wild swings in the Electoral College.”

Ha! Complacency is Democrats’ middle name! Democrats were complacent during Obama’s first mid-term elections where voters allowed RepubliKKKlans to take control of the House (and two years later the Senate), essentially hobbling all his future legislative and judicial efforts. And they were complacent when many stayed home during the 2016 election, allowing traitor trump to take power. In fact, I will say complacency is America’s middle name! So, yeah. I have absolutely no faith in voters, especially dumbass Democrats, to pull off a victory unless there is some miracle of God.

The Rise of American Domestic Terrorism Keeps on Rising

From The Hill, “The militia group whose members planned to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) was attempting to instigate a civil war through attacks on the state Capitol building and targeting police officers, officials said Thursday. … The six involved with the plans to kidnap Whitmer were charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping. The affidavit named them as Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta. The seven other defendants face charges of providing material support for terrorists [sic] acts and felony firearm possession. They were identified as Paul Bellar, Shawn Fix, William Null, Pete Musico, Eric Molitor and Michael Null, according to the Detroit Free Press.”

OMG! I can’t take the f***ing stupid anymore! As if their rather involved plan (kidnap a governor and put her on trial for treason and take over the state legislature) was ever going to work. I hope each and every one of these individuals get the death penalty for treason, without exception. If they do not then America will be lost forever. I’ve been saying this for well over a year now and it appears that what I’ve been warning is starting to come to fruition. I’ve been saying America is headed toward the next civil war. Mark my words, morons. One may argue that America has always had its fill of extremist morons wanting to essentially destroy the nation. One need only go back in time to Timothy McVeigh and his domestic terrorist attack in the heartland of the nation. That plan was inspired by the exact same ethos as those in Michigan. Back then, however, it was McVeigh and one accomplice. Today, there are thirteen willing f***tards to unleash domestic terrorism on American politicians, law enforcement, and citizens. Law enforcement says this is only the tip of the iceberg. Today, the right-wing nutjob militia f***tards are more radicalized (Thanks Facebook!), more mainstream (Thanks Facebook!), more threatened, more accessible (Thanks Facebook!), more organized (Thanks Facebook!), more armed (Thanks SCOTUS!), more easily recruited (Thanks Facebook!) and more inspired (Thanks traitor trump! RepubliKKKlans! evil evangelicals!). For them, the time is now and long overdue. Mark my word, idiots. There is a reason why the FBI recognizes right-wing militia groups as the number one threat to America! Full stop! And traitor trump is their leader. Full! F***ing! Stop! This is America, morons! Mark my words! This is the new trump stupid America! I’m f***ing tell you, people. I can’t scream it any louder. Post-election is going to be a bloodbath. But whatever! No one cares. The cold civil war has already started. But America is a stupid and complacent nation where people will just let things deteriorate until the sh*t show lands at their front door. In the meantime, Americans just love the traitor trump reality show. It’s the “entertain me!” nation. Traitor trump understands this and he feeds the masses his version of bread and circus. Everyone just eats it up! Not to mention that these mentally challenged militia white supremacist crazies breed — a lot! They make lots of little crazies and infect them with their beliefs. We are trapped in this infected world where crazies literally breed more crazies. The only way to get out of this mess is to completely vanquish the radical right-wing nutjob fringe, which is not so fringe anymore. And that can only happen through a hot war. Full stop! Get ready, people. There is no point of return. We are so beyond that now! Time to amend the Constitution to constrain the Second Amendment. With a now firmly conservative SCOTUS, all weapons will become legal. The only guns any one person needs are one rifle for hunting and one handgun for self-defense. That’s it! Full stop. Civilians do not need weapons of war. But then again this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where we’re good at killing each other because freedom!

Welcome to stupid America! A well-running democracy does not function on autopilot nor with a citizenry that votes every four years nor whenever there is an exciting candidate on the ballot. Democracy certainly does not function when people elect someone to merely “shake things up” in Washington! You did this! Just remember that! I live in f***ing G.D. stupid hell! Whatever! I gave up hoping for the best a long time ago because I am surrounded by stupid!

F***tard Said What?

According to BuzzFeed News, “President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that he is ending negotiations on a coronavirus relief bill until after he wins the election. … On Tuesday morning, just hours before Trump’s tweets, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned of the ‘tragic’ consequences if the White House and Congress do not pass a robust stimulus package to ward off a spike in bankruptcies and business closures. … Democrats quickly seized on Trump’s announcement. ‘Remember this tweet when you don’t have another stimulus check in your mailbox this fall,’ tweeted Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly.”

Of course! Of course! Of course! There is no need to comment on this extensively because it speaks for itself. Traitor trump is a f***tard “businessman” who knows nothing about anything — least of all about politicking and running the government. He just wants to destroy things for the sake of destroying things, but no matter because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will vote for the “stable genius” anyway even if they go broke as a result. Oh, then traitor trump tries to reverse course, after the markets crash over his tweet, just like any “stable genius” would do. Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re trapped in stupid hell.

America Is Permanently Infected with the Stupid!

From the Associated Press, “President Donald Trump staged a dramatic return to the White House Monday night after leaving the military hospital where he has been receiving an unprecedented level of care for COVID-19. He immediately ignited a new controversy by declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus that has killed more than 210,000 Americans — and then he entered the White House without a protective mask. Trump’s message alarmed infectious disease experts and suggested the president’s own illness had not caused him to rethink his often-cavalier attitude toward the disease, which has also infected the first lady and several White House aides, including new cases revealed on Monday.” Of course, traitor trump has learned absolutely nothing except that he’s now officially over the pandemic, and so should everyone else.

From the moron who claimed he “gets it” a day ago, now advises everyone not to fear the disease (i.e., it’s not that bad because he survived). Then traitor trump returns to the White House maskless as though the entire pandemic is over. He’s cured. Mission accomplished. Superman defeats SARS 2 in only three days! Nothing to see here. It is the return to normal — pre-pandemic style. And by all impressions, he looks normal, but who knows why? Legitimate improvement or his true state of health is masked by the drugs? That’s why I’ve been saying from the beginning to watch out should traitor trump survive. I’m telling all you morons out there. The only good outcome was if traitor trump died; otherwise, he will be supercharged to spread his version of a SARS 2 message, namely it’s all been overhyped and it’s a media hoax. His recovery just made the pandemic in America a deadlier disaster. A recovered traitor trump is more dangerous than ever! Mark my words, f***tards!

All of this is just an effort to get back to his MAGA moron Nuremberg hate rallies as soon as possible. And the nation loves him for it! Mark my words, morons. It’s all a show, f***tards. No one cares; morons just want to be entertained by the traitor trump reality show — traitor trump in a helicopter, traitor trump in the hospital, traitor trump in a parade, traitor trump on the balcony. Traitor trump infected America with hate and stupidity, and it can never be cured. Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid can never be undone at this point. I live in stupid hell!

Traitor [T]rump Says ‘I Get It’? The F*** He Does!

Anyone who thinks that traitor trump “gets it” or “learned” from this experience is a f***ing G.D. f***tard of the highest m*****f***ing order! Full! F***ing! Stop! No exceptions. Traitor trump is a moron. He always has been. So, what part of him “getting it” was evinced by the traitor trump hospital parade? A man who supposedly “gets it” forces his secret service to drive him around in a car while he is still highly infectious. One can be certain that his doctors and nurses are in full protective gear including a bodysuit when they are near him. As for his secret service? A mask and face shield (and some covering to “protect” the clothes, naturally). Whatever! If those guys want to die for traitor trump’s vanity then so be it. And if traitor trump wants to kill his secret service for his pride then what did one expect from that guy? Nothing matters! No, he doesn’t “get it!” He never will, and sadly it appears that traitor trump is going to survive SARS 2 just in time to get back in the game — unadvisedly — to conduct his super spreader Nuremberg hate rallies and spread the disease to everyone else. And no one will care! Welcome to trump stupid America. God spares the evil ones just to remind us that he loves irony and cruelty!

The One Conclusion Stupid America Will Fail to Make From Traitor [T]rump’s SAR 2 Diagnosis

There should be one and only one conclusion drawn from traitor trump’s SAR 2 diagnosis. How the f*** can traitor trump protect America from the pandemic when by his own carelessness and stupidity he contracted the deadly disease? That should be the question and the answer should be self-evident. But no! America is just too f***ing stupid to related the severity of the pandemic and traitor trump’s incompetence and failed leadership because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America. For God f***ing sake, traitor trump is literally a one-man super spreader. Whatever! I have completely given up on stupid America. Stupid is as stupid is!

If I Have to Hear One More F***tard Say…

If I have to hear one f***ing G.D. moronic commenter, pundit, voter, pedestrian, dumbass Democrat, or anyone else “hope” that traitor trump’s contraction of SARS 2 will cause him to take the pandemic seriously, then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! I mean I just might go postal because I can’t take the stupid anymore. If traitor trump survives SARS 2, then absolutely nothing will change. In fact, it will only make things worse. Not only will he claim lifetime immunity but he’ll also claim the mantle of Jesus Christ superstar. He rose from near death. (And evil evangelicals will believe him because that’s what a stupid country does!) Mark my words, f***tards. His recovery from this disease will be a license to further divide the country — those who were strong enough to survive and everyone else. I’ve said it before, idiots. This is at the core of MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan beliefs — SARS 2 is killing all the right people, namely minorities. It’s weeding out the weak. I cannot say it any more plainly than that. His MAGA moron and RepubiKKKlan supporters are all in with this line of thinking. Whatever! You’ll never see a mask on him again because he’s cured, setting the ultimate example for every other American moron. Of course, none of his followers will care if his recklessness kills people, and neither will he. Traitor trump is not going to see the light or become a convert on the pandemic. He will only see this as an argument of the weak versus the strong. He’s strong. He survived. Those who don’t make it were not meant to live. And people will love him more for it! Mark my words, f***tards.

WTF! The stupid never ends. Every f***ing day is just another day of Lucy and the f***ing G.D. football with people thinking something is ever going to change with traitor trump and his followers. It! Will! Never! Ever! Change! It only goes to prove the frustrating notion that people do not understand the truly vile nature of trumpism and its malignancy in America. Wake the f*** up, people! Should Biden win, don’t think trumpism will end or “just” disappear. It needs to be thoroughly exterminated. But no one understands, so it will be allowed to persist under some misguided notion of freedom of speech and religion. I can’t take the stupid anymore! Welcome to trump stupid America.

Please, Lord Jesus, Let Traitor [T]rump Die — Slowly and Painfully!

According to CNN, “A country already unnerved by a devastating health catastrophe and a turbulent political season faced fresh upheaval Friday as Americans awoke to news President Donald Trump had contracted coronavirus.” Please, Lord Jesus! I hope traitor trump and everyone from that traitor family and traitor administration dies! All one of them, without exception. They all deserve this! If traitor trump doesn’t die then watch the f*** out America morons because this will be the new headline: Traitor trump survived, so SARS 2 is no big deal and those who did die were weak and “losers.” Then the entire nation will give up the fight against SARS 2 because if the president got through it, so can we. His recovery will be complete vindication that this entire pandemic was all over-hyped — a hoax if you will. He will be the new Superman and it will supercharge his popularity. Mark my word, f***tards! A recovered or worse still an asymptomatic traitor trump who gets back on the campaign trail would be a G.D. disaster for America! I promise you! (And anyone who thinks an asymptomatic traitor trump will self-quarantine for 14 days is a G.D. f***tard of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order!) His recovery and return to the public eye will be the “look at me, I’m OK” tour! God! We are so f***ing screwed if this moron makes it! Mark! My! Words! Idiots! A dead president and vice president (Penis-loving Pence) is the only good outcome. My “thoughts and prayers” they all die! Of course, then again, God loves irony. Hence, I have no doubt traitor trump will be back on the road soon enough conducting his super spreader Nuremberg hate rallies. And make no mistake: His MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan followers will not be deterred in their eagerness to attend! Welcome to trump stupid America.

The Presidential Debate: I Nailed It (Of Course)!

I did not watch the debate, as promised, because I knew (everyone should have known) the debate would be nothing but a disaster. Those f***tards who watched believing something could be gained from the exchange really just wanted to see the hot mess cage fight. I can’t wait to see the viewership ratings and opinion polls about who “won” the debate to confirm the magnitude of America’s stupidity. Remember, a tie goes to traitor trump. People just want to see the car crash. It’s the “entertain me!” nation that will destroy us all. On that note, I did pick up on one point being discussed in the MSM, namely, “The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to ‘stand back and stand by’ during the first presidential debate.” I’m tired of saying it but indulge me: Traitor trump and every single one of his MAGA moron supporters and every RepubliKKKlan is a white supremacist! Full! F***ing! Stop! Without exception. Moreover, traitor trump has made being a white supremacist mainstream and this domestic terrorist group is on the rise in popularity. Traitor trump has made hate fashionable. So, all of those f***tard black traitor trump supporters please, by all means, vote for the leader of the white supremacist movement. F***! I can’t anymore! The stupid hurts! Naturally, these same black folk are delusional in their belief that such hatred from white supremacist groups doesn’t apply to “them.” No, they hate the “other” black guy. Whatever! I give up. I can’t anymore this the stupid!

Perhaps the conservative publication, The Bulwark, had the most succinct headline: “The President Is a Sociopath. And 60 Million Americans Like It.” Of course, they do and dare I say far more than 60 million Americans like it. I’m telling all you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards out there: Trumpism is alive and thriving. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. He is the mirror, stupid. Mark my words, idiots. How many times must I say it? How many times? America was lost the day the f***tards voted for traitor trump, hoping to shake things up because apparently people were bored with the state of the nation. And by extension, those who did not vote (for Hillary) also ushered in the end of America and the rise of trumpism. The secret traitor trump voters will make this election far closer than any poll or pundit predicts, and it will be enough for traitor trump to steal the election. Mark my words. The stupid cannot be undone.

And then there is the rest of the morons of America who either completely agree with traitor trump’s racism / white supremacist leanings or claim they don’t care or they “don’t see it.” Un-f***ing-believable. Of course, I am sure traitor trump’s performance at the debate will still leave “undecided” voters confused about the person for whom they will vote. Stupid is as stupid is. Undecided voters after last night are just f***ing traitor trump voters. I typically would split the undecided portion of a given presidential poll to gain a better understanding of who leads in the poll — or more accurately if any one person is above the 50 percent threshold since by definition splitting the vote advances both candidates equally, just as a finer point to distinguish. But now, it is clear that the undecided portion in a presidential poll is going 100 percent to traitor trump. There is no way one will witness that debate or, more importantly, witnessed (lived through) the last four years of traitor trump at “work” and not come away thinking four more years of the traitor trump sh*t show is something people want unless they are full-on “-ists” (racist, misogynist, xenophobes, jingoist, homophobes, white supremacist, and every other hater -ist that I did not mention). Without a doubt, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, every other traitor trump supporter, and those “undecided” voters are all these things! I’m sure people on the fence looked at traitor trump’s debate performance and will conclude in their thinking: At least he’s strong and they like it. Nevermind the substance. It’s all about the show! Without fail, it’s the mirror, stupid! I am confident traitor trump will steal the election and Americans will simply let him! Get ready for four more years. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday.

SCOTUS and the ACA: You Did This!

I am speculating here, for I have not read nor researched the ACA lawsuit that is about to come before the High Court because in my mind there is only one question — above and beyond the legal arguments and issues of jurisprudence — and that question is this: Are there one or two Justices really willing to tip the scales of justice to take away health care — outright — from tens of millions of citizens and take away affordable health care from a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions? Is a single person or two people really about to do this? Is he or she willing to return America to a pre-ACA world where insurance companies will place spending limits and lifetime spending caps on people’s lives? What Justice will declare a law unconstitutional that has such high approval among the people? Who wants to be that Justice? The answer would seem obvious, and one may be forgiven for holding out hope. I mean two conservative Justices actually found discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community in the workplace in the Civil Rights Act. Shockingly! But that was the old SCOTUS. Now we have a new SCOTUS. Not knowing the actual questions at law, my guess is the decision will hinge on the doctrine of severability. And let’s face it: If Justices truly wanted to preserve any given law then they would find the legal reasoning to justify their decisions to do so. Conservative Justices seem less committed to the application of a consistent legal philosophy as they are committed to arriving at a pre-determined outcome.

The short answer is hell f***ing yes! Make no mistake about it! The majority of the court desires to strike down the ACA in the middle of a pandemic nonetheless. Roberts is most certainly going to be a vote with the liberal wing, but that is no longer enough. Thomas and Alito are no votes because they have ruled as such on ACA cases before, which leaves the others as unknowns on this matter. Do not think for a second any one of these individuals would not be willing to condemn people to death by taking away health care and by allowing insurance companies to walk away from individuals’ treatments because it costs too much. I have no doubt that these Justices won’t care that people with pre-existing conditions can be barred from coverage or priced out of the market. As an aside, just wait until all these people who survived SARS 2 — even those who never had symptoms — develop all kinds of health issues in the future and insurance companies start denying them coverage because they had SARS 2. Since we don’t know the long-term prognosis of SARS 2 survivors, there could be an entire cohort of millions of people that insurance companies refuse to cover, claiming they have a pre-existing condition. Nobody knows what happens to survivors over the long term. What if this is a virus that lies dormant in the heart or brain or spinal cord for years before it manifests itself in a far more serious and deadly resurgence. We have no f***ing clue! What a disaster that will be.

I have no doubt! These immoral Justices will rest assured at night (and within their legal arguments) despite striking down the ACA, for they will argue that Congress is free to craft new, better legislation to replace that which SCOTUS voided. I’ve read such arguments in conservative opinions before — Congress can and should improve a law that SCOTUS finds unconstitutional. But, of course, Congress has the votes to tackle health care legislation again! Not! It is a non-starter given the dysfunctional state of Congress, but the Justices will already understand this, and they still won’t care. Just as Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death as he washed his hands, SCOTUS will do the same to tens of millions of people without blinking twice while at the same time telling Congress it’s their fault if they’re unable or unwilling to fix the law. Nevermind the track record of Congress having tried (and failed) countless times over the last ten years to strike down the ACA. In other words, the people elected politicians time and time again that have continued to uphold the law; the people have spoken through their representatives, and they believe Obamacare, on the whole, is just as they want it! Not to mention that SCOTUS has upheld the ACA twice previously. So, are Justices really willing to overturn the will of the people this time, with a third bite at the apple? Again, I say hell f***ing yes, without a doubt! Get ready for more chaos! This is the new America and people at worst love it or at best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. America is the land of always going backward! We are an anti-progressive nation!

Yet, this is the country we deserve. This is the idiocracy for which Americans voted. This is what the people wanted, so now they’ve got it. This is the new world that dumbass Democrats, moronic voters, and an apathetic country has brought upon itself. America is the nation of unfocused, unconcerned, and unaware idiots that don’t pay attention until it’s too late. Then everyone looks around at each other wondering what the f*** happened? You happened! Just remember that you did this to yourself! You wanted traitor trump to shake things up! You thought traitor trump would run the country like a business where for some unknown reason you morons think the government is supposed to be run like a profiting enterprise. The government’s function is to govern, not make a f***ing profit, f***tards! No matter what RepubliKKKlan morons like to tell people, the skillsets for running a business and administrating a government of, for, and by the people are completely different; in fact, the mindsets are not only different, but they are incompatible! But whatever! I give up! You’re the one who thought a failed businessman and reality TV personality, who has no experience in government, would be capable of running the greatest democracy in the world. He’s running America right into the ground just like his other businesses. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t anymore with the utter stupidity that conjures such “logic” to inform people to vote for traitor trump once and again. So, the next time you wonder why things are getting worse in America, look in the f***ing mirror! You did this! Good luck, f***tards! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid! The stupid hurts and it’s turned deadly!