The F***tard-in-Chief and Leader of Stupid America!

RNC 2020 Day 4: Trump accepts nomination from White House - ABC News
Source: ABC News (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

This is what a stupid America looks like! All stupid, all the f***ing time! It’s the mirror, stupid! So! What are the chances this traitor trump show worked? 100 percent! Mark my words, idiots. A country of idiots see the new shiny object and approves. Unlike Biden, traitor trump will get an RNC bump in the polls because I live in stupid hell. The pageantry works! The pandering works! The fear-mongering works — the best! So much so I wish dumbass Democrats would go full bat-Scheiße crazy fear-mongering. F***! Democrats should lie if that’s what is required to penetrate the masses of moronity. Tell the public that traitor trump will institute martial law for the next four years; he will create executive orders which would allow husbands to rule over and legally beat their wives; he will institute “Sharia law” for Christianity; he will eat your babies; he will create death squads to kill black and brown people for being on the same sidewalk as white people; he will enforce public beheadings of drug users! F***! Just make it up. The bigger the lie the better and apparently the more believable because Lord knows it has worked for traitor trump over these last five years. Lie big and lie often!

If dumbass Democrats can’t figure out how to play hardball, then we’re f***ed! Oh, who am I kidding? We’re already f***ed! Dumbass democrats are incapable of playing hardball. It is the weak party. We are so f***ing beyond appealing to voters’ rationality. America abandoned such notions the second the idiots elected traitor trump. Yet, dumbass Democrats still think that appealing to the intellect could be a useful playbook. God f***ing no! Hey, Democrats! You need to go full stupid in response! Eh, whatever! Brace yourselves for four more years! Only in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America wherein the president has been impeached and consistently has had the lowest job approval ratings of any predecessor throughout his entire first term can he get re-elected! Allow me to repeat myself: Most people have never approved — have! never! approved! — of the job traitor trump has been doing for the last four years, but he is about to get re-elected. Only! In! Stupid! America! I can’t wait! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes, a Putin Wannabe

Source: RT (Russian Propaganda TV for America — May as well go right to the source.)

America! Home of idiots and other various f***tards! This is all propaganda pageantry intended to portray innocuous patriotism. I mean, who wouldn’t mind the president being more presidential-looking? Yeah, but not in the vein of Putin. Not to mention that such an image smacks of authoritarianism. But whatever. This is actually what America desires! And the morons are about to get exactly what they want! This should be an embarrassment, but America has become an embarrassment to the world and humanity.

I am reminded of a quote from John Thomas Flynn’s As We Go Marching, published in 1944, “But when fascism comes, it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.”

Then there is this question of the Hatch Act. Does anyone realize that the traitor trump administration’s constant breach of the Hatch Act is dangerous? That their co-mingling of party politics and the government is creating governmental rule wherein the party is the government, and the government is the party? Ala China or Nazi Germany! Does anybody see this? Anybody out there? Is it just me? Am I truly the only one who sees this? Ugh! I live in stupid hell. America’s democratic government is not a government ruled by one party. There may be times when one party holds the White House and Congress, but whatever the party, the government is supposed to be for everybody — not just the party in power. But traitor trump is fixing that, and no one seems to care because this is stupid clueless America. These are all micro changes and subtleties that go unnoticed, but it will be too late once these changes are amassed. RepubliKKKlans have been consolidating power for decades, especially at the state level, which will lock in the Electoral College (forever), and in the Judiciary, which will gladly ensure that conservative values and power rule America for generations to come. It may already be too late. Likely is already too late. This is, after all, trump stupid America, and fascism is here — American style: “When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” (Unattributable and indeed!)

The Riots Are Going to Sink Democrat’s Chances

Reporting from CNN, “Unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha has quickly turned into a political flashpoint in one of the nation’s most important swing states. President Donald Trump and the GOP are using this week’s Republican National Convention to shine a spotlight on violence and property damage that has resulted from some of the protests over racial injustice and police brutality this summer — as fires have raged in Kenosha on consecutive nights. The way voters in Wisconsin interpret Blake’s shooting and its aftermath could be central to November’s outcome in a state Trump won by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016. Trump was the first Republican to carry Kenosha County in 44 years.” I am sensing that all these protests and riots across America are wearing thin with voters, especially those “independent” voters, to the extent such a group exists. This becomes an opportunity for the traitor trump administration to appeal to the lizard brain (amygdala) of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil Evangelicals, and any other would-be traitor trump supporters — that silent majority, which does exist! Because fear works and his repeated “law and order” mantra is going to work. Mark my words, morons. It will work because people are f***tards.

I recently started re-reading a textbook on critical thinking from a critical thinking course I took in college years ago. I thought it a good idea to brush up on this skill. In short, the book teaches how people should evaluate claims, and in the first couple of chapters, I see already how Americans do not think, let alone think critically. Shocking! I know! I bring this up because this entire law and order angle from traitor trump and voters’ subsequent acceptance of it is a prime example of an electorate that doesn’t think. Like everything with traitor trump, his followers just accept whatever he says without question. Perhaps what is most infuriating is how traitor trump claims the law and order mantel while protests, riots, and general unrest are all happening under his watch. They have been going on for months and have spread across the country under his watch. Where exactly is this law and order of his? As usual, his supporters never hold him accountable for what has or is happening across the country now, but they trust him to fix things in the future — nevermind all the time he’s had over the last four years to secure law and order.

In traitor trump’s inauguration speech be said the “American carnage” stops now! Are you f***ing kidding me? It has been nothing but American carnage for the last four years, yet people still think he is the law and order president. This American carnage is traitor trump’s America! I can’t anymore. I! Just! Fucking! Can’t! This country really is just too f***ing stupid to survive! F*** me! I’m over it. Just let it all burn down at this point! America needs to start over, preferably with a smarter citizenry. Not to mention, traitor trump has not (will never) address the root causes of these protests and unrest — police violence against black and brown people. Traitor trump wants violence and disorder because it helps his re-election chances. And it’s going to work, f***tards. Mark my words! Watch the polls start to shift toward traitor trump, especially on this law and order issue. People will look around at the protests, riots, and general unrest and conclude, “Yeah, traitor trump is my guy!” Yet, he is the law and order president! I can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity of Americans! Eh, but none of this matters because it’s all still Obama’s fault and probably Hillary’s fault too from that time when she was president. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will believe him because I live in trump stupid America hell! Mark my words, idiots. Get ready for four more years! Double mark my words, morons! It’s going to happen. I give up!

More Talking to Morons

CNN reports, “A sudden change in federal guidelines on coronavirus testing came this week as a result of pressure from the upper ranks of the Trump administration, a federal health official close to the process tells CNN. ‘It’s coming from the top down,’ the official said of the new directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new guidelines raise the bar on who should get tested, advising that some people without symptoms probably don’t need it — even if they’ve been in close contact with an infected person.” In other words, traitor trump doesn’t want testing because he doesn’t want the states reporting any more infections. He said it plainly many times: If we didn’t test, then people would not be infected. This, of course, is incomprehensible reasoning, but I suppose it is the height of “thinking” in the eyes of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. Still, what is more sad is that medical professionals who head up these government institutions and advise traitor trump simply bend to his will. It always f***ing happens. Every f***ing time. Eventually, they all accede to his demands. It never f***ing fails. They all cave because everyone is afraid to stand up to him. Between reducing testing and misreporting SARS 2 deaths, traitor trump will boast that he conquered the pandemic just in time for the election, and morons of America will believe him even though the statistics were contrived and manipulated. But whatever! I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid hell. No one cares as long as everything appears to be fine. It’s all a con job and people want to believe the lies. People want to be deceived. Welcome to trump stupid America.

MAGA Morons and RepubliKKKlans Are So F***ing Stupid. I Live in M*****f***ing Stupid Hell!

It’s all about the stupid, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are f***ing G.D. retards of the highest f***ing order, and they are deceived easily. Case in point: “Federal prosecutors have accused Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Donald Trump, and three others of misleading donors to the ‘We Build the Wall’ campaign, but some who gave money to the cause say they’re not victims and would gladly donate again. Bannon, U.S. Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, and two others were arrested Thursday on charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.” Of course, these morons don’t care if they’ve been lied to and defrauded. Of course, they don’t care if they’ve been misled. Of course, they don’t care if they look as stupid as they do. They don’t care and none of this matters because I live in stupid hell. All these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans care about is their white supremacy and white grievance. As long as they have traitor trump in office to rally around and to push their white power agenda then they don’t care if others take their money. They just don’t care.

Then there is this from traitor trump’s sister: “According to The Washington Post, which first reported the recordings, Mary Trump recorded 15 hours of her talks with Barry in 2018 and 2019. Barry, 83, shared her opinion of her brother from his childhood to his presidency, calling him a ‘brat’ and a ‘liar.’ All he wants to do is appeal to his base,’ Barry said of her younger brother in one excerpt of the recordings obtained by USA TODAY. ‘He has no principles. None. His goddamned tweet and the lying, oh my God,’ she said in another clip. ‘I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy s—. … No, he doesn’t read,’ Barry said. In another excerpt, Barry related a story in which her brother was incredulous that she read books instead of watching Fox News.” Naturally, none of these revelations is new or unique or even shocking, for they are criticisms made in the same vein everyone else has been making long before he was president and even more so during his presidency. In short, the people that know him best and worked with him understand that traitor trump is a moron, incompetent, and dangerous to America. Yet, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love him because they like the cruelty; they like that he’s just bearly smarter than they are; they don’t care about the incompetence because a white supremacist heading up a dysfunctional government that hurts minorities more than hurts themselves is better than a Democratic-lead functioning government that helps everybody. How many f***ing times must I say it? Just under half of this country look in the mirror and see traitor trump’s reflection — and they love what they see. I hate America’s stupidity. Why can’t we T4 these people? Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for four more years; it will be the worst and last years of America’s democracy. That is not hyperbole. Either America descends into another civil war or stupid, apathetic citizens will simply bend to traitor trump’s will. They all do eventually, leaving a super small minority of resistance. Zombie Americans persist through life as long as they have Facebook and TikTok because, of course, that is what matters in life. Mark my words, f***tards! Forty-five percent of the population, which comprises the MAGA base, can and will re-elect him. Welcome to my stupid hell! Get used to the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Too Little, Too Late

From The Daily Beast, “Obama finally gives up ‘hope’ for something far more urgent … On Wednesday night, President Obama ditched the rosy images of a kinder, more bipartisan future and instead issued a warning.” Oh, yes. It’s the good old pathetic hope-y, change-y mantra that Obama finally ditches after four years of the traitor trump disaster. Yet, I think this hope-y, change-y vomit B.S. is still an underlying part of dumbass Democrat’s political argument. F*** me! Listen here, morons. Dumbass Democrats should have been preaching fear of traitor trump from the very beginning, long before he actually won. But no! Dumbass Democrats, having lost, essentially gave up and hoped that traitor trump would “grow” into the office of President of the United States or that he would “pivot” to acting presidential. Ugh! I can’t anymore. Anybody who ever thought that traitor trump would pivot should be immediately shot for such stupidity. And that includes dumbass Democrats! It does not take a genius to understand that traitor trump was never going to pivot that he was never going to grow into the office that he never had the intellect and aptitude to be president, yet somehow morons across the country thought he did — and still does, enough for another four years.

There is a reason traitor trump keeps harping on the fear and American carnage imagery. Because it works, f***tards. Because! It! Works! Un-f***ing-believable! Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Dumbass Democrats need to get their f***ing act together and scare the f***ing bejesus out of voters, especially liberal and progressive voters. They have touched on it in regards to fighting against the destruction of our democracy, but it is all still too f***ing vague and amorphic. They need to paint a picture as traitor trump does. F*** me! We’re screwed because dumbass Democrats have learned nothing after four years. I give up! Get ready for four more years, idiots. The polls have been tightening because people are morons. Predictably, the slightest improvement in the pandemic and the worst economy since the Great Depression and f***tard voters readily give traitor trump kudos as if he’s fixed everything and his continued incompetence at his job is irrelevant. America is just too stupid to be saved. Welcome to trump stupid America!

More QAmericanon Stupidity from the Moron-in-Chief Himself

From The Daily Beast, “President Donald Trump on Wednesday tentatively praised adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement, thrilling followers of a crowd the FBI has described as a domestic terror threat with what they saw as new encouragement from the White House. … When a reporter pressed the president about the movement’s false belief that he is ‘secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals,’ Trump instead played coy and even seemed to affirm the bogus QAnon belief that he’s leading a shadowy war against his child-molesting enemies. ‘Well, I haven’t heard that,’ Trump said. ‘But is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? You know, if I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are, actually. … ‘I don’t know much about the movement [he lies], other than that I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,’ Trump said.” Yeah, I hate this country. The dumb hurts!

Where to begin? QAnon is starting to take over the RepubliKKKlan Party because that’s what the morons want. Traitor trump doesn’t mind it. MAGA morons love it and evil Evangelicals embrace it because I live in stupid America hell! If there is one thing that binds idiots, then it is a conspiracy theory, and the f***tards of America elected the chief conspiracy theorist to be president! I can’t anymore with these morons. F***! I! Just! Can’t! Anymore! How the f*** did we get here? Seriously?!?! How did the dumbest people on the planet elect the dumbest person on the planet to the highest office in America? Oh, I know. Because America is the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest nation in the galaxy. One could say Americans are galactically stupid! Every day I wake to wonder how the f*** did the f***tards of America pick traitor trump to be the leader? Whatever! I give up. Now, QAnon members will start seeping into government and idiots will wonder how the f*** did that happen? Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid, all the time! All day, every day.

Mark my words, idiots. America is lost, but no one realizes it yet — except me, of course. It was lost the day morons of America elected traitor trump because people were too stupid to understand otherwise; they wanted to shake things up by blowing up the government! Congratu-f***ing-lations, idiots! I live a conspiracy theory hell and trust me when I say such beliefs are more pervasive that one thinks! Trust me! This is what we get and deserve. Whatever! At this point, we should just burn it all down and start from scratch.

‘When They Go Low, We Go High’ Deux

God love her, but why does Michelle Obama say such things: “Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves, we degrade the very causes for which we fight.” Ugh! Why? Seriously?!?! Why are dumbass Democrats and progressives so f***ing G.D. weak? Look! We don’t have to go to the lowest point, but we certainly need to go lower. At the very least if we fail to go low then we constantly underestimate the enemy, and let there be no doubt that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are the enemy! This is how we get wrong-footed at every turn by the traitor trump administration. Wrecking the postal service is the latest example of how dumbass Democrats look like a deer in headlights as they are completely incapable of imagining the level of evilness and corruption traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will go to steal the election. It is the classic “takes one to know one” imperative. But no! Dumbass Democrats are still trying to figure out how to bring RepubliKKKlans into their fold; they’re still in the “hope” phase. G.D.! F*** me! We’re screwed because as usual dumbass Democrats bring a knife to a gunfight! I’m beginning to reconsider moving my 95 percent prediction that traitor trump wins re-election back to 100 percent because I live in trump stupid America where dumbass Democrats have learned nothing in the past four years! And there is no abatement of a truly stupid America in sight. It’s all stupid all the f***ing time! Mark my words, morons!

Mundus Vult Decipi, Ergo Decipiatur

According to the Daily Beast, “Trump’s America is a cynical and base place where people are identified as extreme avatars and insulting stereotypes instead of as complex individuals. But is it reality? This worldview helped him win in 2016, because enough voters believed the caricature he sold us about himself (a bogus image of wealth and success), as well as the image he sold us about others (Lyin’ Ted Cruz, Crooked Hillary, the ‘fake news’ media, you get it). But after nearly four years, it is helping him lose bigly in 2020.”

Don’t count on it, morons! Ugh! F*** me! Do these writers and commentators actually get out into the real world and listen. And I mean listen covertly, to the extent that such subterfuge is possible. If they did, then they would understand that voters really are morons. They really do believe the news is fake. They believe the conspiracy theories. They believe only traitor trump can fix things. They genuinely believe traitor trump is a successful “billionaire” “businessman.” They believe! They think it all now just as they did four years ago.

Therefore, I say: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur! Welcome to trump stupid America. Get ready, people! America is simply too f***ing stupid to get itself out of this mess!