I Love Her, Yet…

From Mother Jones, “Harris, the first-ever African American and Asian American woman on a major party ticket, devoted a sizable portion of her remarks to denigrating Trump’s response to the pandemic. She slammed Trump’s ‘delusional belief that he knows better than the experts’ and blamed him for ruining America’s global reputation. ‘Like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground,’ she said, reminding voters that they ‘don’t have to accept the failed government’ that Trump has led [emphasis added].”

I love her because she says plainly what I have been saying for years! If only what she said would penetrate the deep, dark heart of stupid America. I doubt it will because I still watch traitor trump supporters on the news during one of those “where do trump voters stand with the 2020 election?” follow-up segments, and invariably there are supporters who say they will vote for him again because they still believe he’s a genius businessman. Un-f***ing-believable. F***! My head explodes every f***ing time! I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America hell. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I hate this country’s stupidity. It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time. There is no f***ing end to it. People are dumber today than they were yesterday. Still, I ask: how many f***ing traitor trump bankruptcies does it take to convince these MAGA morons that he is not a genius businessman? How many failures does it take? Of course, these same MAGA morons think that since he was on TV and has his name on buildings and properties — most of which he does not actually own — he is somehow a genius dealmaker and billionaire. Traitor trump is none of these things. But whatever! One cannot argue with stupid and that’s all I’m surrounded by is stupid. Why even bother at this point? Seriously!?!? America is simply too far gone. People who think trumpism will be gone when he leaves office are f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. The f***tards of America allowed this disease to fester and now it is impossible to cure without another Civil War, and I mean that literally — the real definition of literally, not the literally defined by illiterates and idiots (literary greats excepted) who by their constant misuse have helped to redefine the word. But I digress.

The worst health crisis in American history. The worst economic downturn in American history. He has failed at controlling and mitigating SARS 2 in America. Yet traitor trump’s job approval rating is still above 40 percent. We’re f***ed! I keep telling all the idiots out there that we are f***ing trapped in this nightmare, which Democrats and progressives seem to think the next election is going to fix. It! Will! Not! I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again: traitor trump can win with 40 percent approval especially if he cheats, which he signals daily. Yet, Americans are not protesting in the streets. It is more of the same old apathy and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s about to get much, much worse. Americans are going to have a very rude awakening after the election, and it will all be too f***ing late at that point. Mark my words, morons!

The Confusion and Stupidity Is the Point

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump’s big executive power move ostensibly meant to support laid-off workers and stimulate the economy is already mired in confusion that threatens to leave millions of jobless Americans waiting in vain for help from Washington. White House advisers struggled to explain Sunday exactly what the flurry of presidential actions, signed by Trump after the breakdown of talks with congressional Democrats on a new coronavirus rescue package, actually do or how quickly they might work. But it’s already clear the measures fall well short of the President’s billing.”

Of course, none of this matters. None of it! Traitor trump’s executive orders are never meant to be anything of substance; it’s all about the show. This is how he convinces his MAGA moron followers, who are among the dumbest people breathing, that he is “doing something.” He’s doing more than any other previous president ever. And the f***tards believe him because I live in stupid hell! So, it doesn’t matter that nothing actually happens because it’s all part of the con that people readily believe and trust. F***! I can’t deal with this stupidity anymore! I just f***ing can’t! How and why people believe this crap is painful. It is painful to live in a country of morons who accept traitor trump’s fake everything without question. And this is how he gets re-elected — on the back of fake promises made by a moron and believed by fellow retards! Welcome to trump stupid America. Still dumber today than it was yesterday! I’m trapped in stupid hell. I see stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people!

Honestly, Democrats should just say f*** it! Seriously, if traitor trump truly believes only he can fix things because Congress (RepubliKKKlans) can’t get its act together, then Democrats should call his bluff and walk away from negotiations. Let the f***tard voters sit by the (delayed) mail waiting for their $400 subsidy checks that will never come because the f***ing G.D. moron sitting in the Oval Office can’t mandate such fiscal policy by himself. But whatever! Stupid is as stupid does. So, let the morons believe his lies and die while waiting! What the f*** do I care? The fewer traitor trump voters, then the better!

Follow the Money, Morons!

From The Hill, “Republican grassroots fundraising group WinRed raked in $164.3 million in the month of July, raising $15.7 million in one day alone, according to figures exclusively obtained by The Hill. … The latest fundraising figures mark a major uptick for the group over the past year. … The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised a combined $165 million in July, while presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee brought in a combined $140 million.” How many times must I say it? Hello, dear f***tards! Follow the f***ing money. M*****f***ing son of b*tch! So much f***ing stupidity. Follow! The! M*****f***ing! Money! This is how I remain confident that traitor trump will be re-elected because Americans are too stupid to do otherwise. Moreover, the majority of the electorate is the mirror image of traitor trump. I’ve said it over and over again. And I know I’m right about this. Can 45 percent of the populous get traitor trump a second term? Hell! F***ing! Yes! Without question! Ugh! I live in trump stupid America hell!

And So It Begins…

Source: FiveThirtyEight

And so it begins! From the Axios, “Trump campaign outraises Biden by $25 million in July.” Things are already starting to turn around for traitor trump because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America. Home of retards, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons. So, this is the worst health and economic crisis to hit Americans in the nation’s history and still not enough people think traitor trump is a total disaster to handle the moment as his job approval rating begins to bounce back from his recent low — not even his lowest point in the presidency, but just a recent low. And for comparison sake, the lowest point of traitor trump’s approval ratings was at the beginning of his presidency when he and Congress were working on legislation to fully repeal the ACA (Obamacare for the morons out there). Yeah, so back then people really did not like traitor trump for wanting to take away their healthcare. Now, fast forward three years where traitor trump’s indifference and incompetence is killing people and ruining the economy and yet fewer people seem to be bothered by it all. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t. I hate this country. I hate its stupidity. I hate stupid people. I hate all RepubliKKKlans without exception. I hate all MAGA morons without exception. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t hope and pray they die from SARS 2 or by whatever means.

Then there is the fundraising advantage. That is the metric to watch. Mark my words, morons! Follow the money and watch where people place their bets. So, now the cash advantage is starting to flow back to traitor trump. Fan-f***ing-tastic! This is it, people. We have reached the low point of traitor trump’s presidency and there is nowhere but up for him because this is trump stupid America. Mark my words, idiots. Get ready for four more years! No one believes me! Just wait! By hook or crook, he’ll win re-election and the nation will just shrug its way into oblivion. I can’t f***ing wait!

‘It Is What It Is’

Traitor trump’s cavalier commentary on tens of thousands of Americans dying from SARS 2. He doesn’t care; he never has. Just as 40% of Americans don’t care, which is his rock-solid base. So, imagine that for a second. Forty percent of this country doesn’t care about SARS 2 deaths in America. Fan-f***ing-tastic. I can’t wait for the final four years of this country because we are just too stupid to survive any further. Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than the day before and growing.

Praise Jesus: Herman Cain Is Dead!

Fantastic! A MAGA moron and SARS 2 denier dies of SARS 2. Just as it should be! Good! I’m glad. F*** these f***tards. He deserved to die and I don’t give one G.D. f*** if I don’t sound sympathetic. I am not in any way sorry for him or his family. I hope he suffered in the end, actually. And I hope Louie Gohmert dies from SAR 2 as well. Unfortunately, not enough SARS 2 deniers are dying from the disease. I’m just saying what every other pissed off progressive is thinking. I am not a turn-the-other-cheek progressive or let’s just all get along progressive. F*** that! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are the enemy! The more of them that die — by whatever means — then the better for all of humanity! Because, you know. This is just all one big f***ing G.D. hoax, right? Welcome to trump stupid America! Only in America is being stupid considered an admirable quality! Yup! Only in America!

Welcome to Stupid America!

From the Daily Beast, “A Houston doctor who praises hydroxychloroquine and says that face masks aren’t necessary to stop transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus has become a star on the right-wing internet, garnering tens of millions of views on Facebook on Monday alone. Donald Trump Jr. declared the video of Stella Immanuel a ‘must watch,’ while Donald Trump himself retweeted the video. Before Trump and his supporters embrace Immanuel’s medical expertise, though, they should consider other medical claims Immanuel has made—including those about alien DNA and the physical effects of having sex with witches and demons in your dreams. Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.” And why does this moron still have a medical license? I can’t! This is way I hate stupid America. I swear to f***ing God we need the Einsatzgruppen to take care of these f***tards. Seriously! America cannot survive if even a sliver of the population believes this crap. It just cannot. Stupidity is infectious — traitior trump. It is a disease, and those with the stupid gene must be culled from humanity.

Incomprehensible Stupidity: ‘Plandemic’

I f***ing give up on people and humanity. I mean why not given that each day I seem to wake up to a society that has become more stupid. In fact, sometimes I wonder how the f*** our species actually survived over hundreds of millennia. Seriously! CNN reports, “Local television stations owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group are set to air a conspiracy theory over the weekend that suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top expert on infectious diseases, was responsible for the creation of the coronavirus…. Bolling also spoke with Mikovits’ attorney, Larry Klayman, a right-wing lawyer who also has a history of pushing misinformation and representing conspiracy theorists…. During the interview Mikovitz told Bolling that Fauci had over the past decade ‘manufactured’ and shipped coronaviruses to Wuhan, China, which became the original epicenter of the current outbreak. Bolling noted that this was a ‘hefty claim,’ but did not meaningfully challenge Mikovits and allowed her to continue making her case.”

Such a claim is just one of many pervasive microaggressions on truth and intellectualism that individually are insidious but in aggregate confirm a society of utter idiocracy perpetrated by a class of morons who want to destroy America. It is a constant assault on society. Sorry, but America cannot succeed when even one moron believes and spreads such conspiracy theory B.S. let alone a major “news” syndicator blasting it across the country. Yeah! I don’t trust — no, in fact, I know — that many people are not smart enough to discern between fact and conspiracy! Witness the rise of QAnon in politics. That’s all the proof one needs to understand America is doomed to stupidity! There is a reason why Sinclair gets away with perpetuating conspiracy theories — there is a market for it! People believe what they are told. It is Goebbels propaganda 101. Lie! Lie big! And lie often! Because eventually, people will believe it. Witness traitor trump! Enough said! Welcome to trump stupid America! Stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people!

F*** Me!

Indeed! Right on cue! The MSM was falling all over itself in awe of traitor trump’s “successful” return to pandemic briefings as noted by Stephen Collinson of CNN, “If Tuesday’s appearance was the start of a new period of exhaustive presidential attention on the pandemic, Trump may make a useful contribution as well as improve his political plight. But snap media reviews of a ‘change of tone’ and a ‘pivot’ by the President ignored his history of shattering scripted narratives with wild tweets and diversions in subsequent hours and days.” Naturally, one of those “snap media reviews” was pathetic-excuse-for-an-anchor Wolf Blitzer. Don’t get me started on only-somewhat-better Chuck Todd! Of course, they couldn’t wait to compliment him for his change of attitude toward wearing masks (a concession), an admission that things will get worse before it gets better (a near admission by traitor trump of having made a mistake), and for the briefing’s brevity (he stayed on message … oooo … ahhh … amazing!). All the while, I am rolling my eyes and my blood is boiling because these f***tards in the MSM always give this disaster of a moronic president the benefit of the doubt and accolades for doing the de minimis effort after failing over and over again. F*** me! I am so f***ing sick and tired of people giving him credit for eventually doing the right thing, especially in this cause. Eventually” has caused tens of thousands of lives and no one should be giving him credit for anything! Ever! Especially given he’ll undermine whatever he says days later. And the MSM will be surprised when that happens as if they have not been covering him for the last five years.

But wait! There’s more! I did not personally watch any of traitor trump’s briefing because when he speaks it hurts my ears and brain plus everything he says is a waste of time. Consequently, I had to wait until this morning to get the day after perspective once MSM stopped congratulating itself for congratulating the chief moron for staying on script. Of course, what was not mentioned in the coverage immediately following the briefing is what CNBC called out well, namely, “President Donald Trump said Tuesday that his administration is ‘in the process of developing a strategy’ to combat the coronavirus pandemic, adding that that plan of action has ‘developed as we go along.’” Seriously!?!? Are you f***ing kidding me? What the f***? Now!?!? Now, they are in the process of developing” a strategy — five-plus months into this disaster! I can’t! I just f***ing give up with this Scheiße-for-brains country! The MSM should be all over this admission that traitor trump really has no f***ing plan — still! — to address this killer pandemic, but no! As usual, the MSM is pathetic and feckless at their jobs!

We all deserve this! Seriously! A country of the dumbest people on the planet elected a celebrity reality TV star” who filed for bankruptcy five times to run The United States of America like a business! Allow me to repeat myself: a bunch of f***tards willingly elected a failed businessman to run the country like a business presumably in the same manner that led him to bankruptcy on five previous occasions. Yet, somehow these same morons expected traitor trump to be successful as president? Yup! This is what we get! F*** me! Welcome to trump stupid America. I expected nothing less from the morons of America! Who, I have no doubt, will do it all over again come November!

We’re Trapped, F***tards!

From CNN, “Voting experts and political strategists from across the political spectrum are increasingly alarmed about the potential for a disputed presidential election in November, one in which one candidate openly questions the legitimacy of the results or even refuses to concede. These experts are keenly aware of President Donald Trump’s well-documented history of lying about voter fraud and claiming that elections were ‘rigged’ when he doesn’t like the outcome. They also see a Democratic base that is still burned from 2016, when its nominee was dragged down in part by Russian meddling operation, won the popular vote, and lost to Trump.”

If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a googolplex times already. Traitor trump is going to get re-elected, either by hook or crook. Probably more crook at this point. Mark my words, morons! Between traitor trump exercising his imperial power, the silent “majority” (oh, it exists and while not a literal majority of the population it is a majority enough to swing the electoral college in conservative’s favor), a weak and feckless dumbass Democratic Party, and an apathetic populous, he will steal the election and dumbass Democrats will put up no fight and progressives and liberals will not riot in the streets because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Get ready for the last four years of America’s democracy. The end is nigh. Welcome to trump stupid America. Soon to be dumb for the last time!