Chief Justice Roberts

According to CNN, “Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to ‘take democracy for granted,’ and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has ‘fallen by the wayside. In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public’s need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital,’ Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year’s Eve. … The judiciary can help shore up Americans’ trust in government and the law, Roberts wrote. ‘We should celebrate our strong and independent judiciary, a key source of national unity and stability,’ he said. ‘We should reflect on our duty to judge without fear of favor, deciding each matter with humility, integrity and dispatch,’ Roberts wrote and added that judges should ‘do our best to maintain the public’s trust that we are faithfully discharging our solemn obligation to equal justice under the law.’” He’s right about people taking democracy for granted because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! Democracy is apparently too hard for people! I give up! Seriously, everything needs to be destroyed before we can rebuild this country because America is just simply too f***ing stupid to survive.

I have no doubt that 2020 will prove to be the year of even greater idiocracy. The real purpose behind Roberts’ appeal to the masses is a subtle plea to “trust us” as traitor trump’s uber-conservative appointments to the judiciary will soon manifest itself into rulings that will hurt Americans generally and minorities specifically while protecting businesses and the government. The f***ing morons of America have no f***ing clue just how seriously damaging a conservative judiciary will be to the public. Citizens are too stupid to understand that “originalist” judges will not error on the side of caution to protect the public. In their eyes, if protections are not explicitly written in the Constitution or written into the law verbatim then they do not exist, which usually means fewer protections for minorities and everyone else that does have LLC in their title. I think Roberts understands this which is why he is pleading with other conservative judges to not f*** over the public, but that is precisely why RepubliKKKlans have appointed them to lifetime jobs. Welcome to f***ing trump stupid America. It’s going to hurt. Mark my words f***ing morons! I can’t take just how m*****f***ing stupid this country is anymore. I really, really hate this country for not understanding the galactic shift in the judiciary underway and the significance it will have on people for decades — I said decades — to come! As usual, traitor trump’s judicial appointments are the most consequential story of his entire presidency and it goes completely unnoticed by most including the MSM and dumbass Democrats. Why this is not a rallying cry issue for every dumbass Democratic presidential candidate and voter is absolutely beyond me, but then I remember: welcome to stupid America! We just don’t care here!