CNN reports, “‘There’s no requirement that we have a vote so at this time we will not be having a vote and I’m very pleased with the thoughtfulness of our caucus with the path that we are on,’ Pelosi said in news conference Tuesday evening, following a meeting with her caucus. … ‘We’re not here to call bluffs. We’re here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States,’ she added Tuesday. ‘This is not a game for us. This is deadly serious, and we’re on a path that is getting us to a path to truth and timetable that respects our Constitution.’” God-f***ing-d*mmit! Um, yeaaaah … No! I think calling traitor trump’s bluff is precisely what is needed. There is absolutely no penalty for conducting a vote on a matter that will eventually have to happen anyway. Whatever! Just more weakness from dumbass Democrats. I’m over it! I just want to get past the next six years of traitor trump’s dictatorship.