Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Climate Change: It’s Already Too Late, F***tards

Wildfires in America’s West, superheat events in America’s Northwest, droughts, more active and intense hurricane seasons, rain and flooding events in Europe and China, recording-breaking heat events in Europe, shrinking ice caps, snow and ice crippling Texas, more pandemics, daytime flooding in Miami streets, red tide in Flordia, and a collapsing building (yes, the collapsed building in Surfside, Flordia) are just a few recent and new normal episodes to name. Look, morons! It’s too late. It’s too f***ing late. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t figured that out yet. Allow me to insert my own rationale to support such an assertion. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I gave a persuasive speech on climate change in high school speech class. Back then scientists had been warning about climate change and how if the world did not start doing something then the planet would start feeling the effects (essentially all the events happening now) by the middle of the next century (21st). Over the decades since then, the scientific community keeps moving up the timeline. Instead of the middle of the 21st Century, it became by 2100. Then it was by 2050. Then 2035. Now, the newest estimate is in the next few years. Well, let me say this, idiots: It! Is! Too! F***ing! Late! The time is now! (Actually, the time was yesterday!) The time is now and still, a third of the morons in America think climate change is a hoax. How can a country — indeed, a planet — survive with such incomprehensible stupidity? The short answer? It can’t. Full stop! America is simply too f***ing stupid to deal with such a colossal problem, especially when one political party (RepubliKKKlan) is determined to ignore science and reality, but just trust God. OMG. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. And I haven’t even explored the climate wars to come. Oh, yes. The climate wars. Mark my words, f***tards. The next wars will be driven by the consequences of climate change. I’ll save that rant for another post. In the meantime, welcome to stupid, stupid America where apparently believing in climate change is optional. I can’t! The supreme stupidity hurts supremely!