Climate Change: No One Cares

An excellent three-part series on Frontline titled “The Power of Big Oil: Denial, Doubt, Delay” is beyond infuriating to watch. Although nothing the documentary covers is new to me, as I have lived through just about all the history of climate change in America, it is a fantastic primer for the uninitiated and a grim reminder that humanity really has f***ed itself, that RepubliKKKlans single-handedly ushered in the demise of the planet, and that, of course, no one cares. I’m sure people are tired of me regurgitating my “no one cares” mantra. Still, all one needs to do is look around them, witness the current political environment of America, and recall its not-so-distant political past to understand that no matter how bad things become, nothing ever changes for the better. Hence, if awful circumstances persist, then what else am I to conclude except that people just don’t f***ing care. They! Do! Not! Watch the series to convince yourself.

If you think America’s backsliding with regard to civil rights, elections, democracy, and race relations is a recent phenomenon, then don’t kid yourself. When it comes to climate change, America has been backsliding for decades. Climate change is yet one more political issue voters claim to care about, yet they continue to vote for the RepubliKKKlan Party, which thinks it’s all a hoax — traitor trump. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats have been nothing but a bunch of f***ing weak p*ssies in the face of RepubliKKKlan propaganda and political ruthlessness. Whatever! As I’ve said countless times, it’s already too late, morons. We are beyond the tipping point. Despite scientists’ efforts to sound the alarm on climate change for the last 40 years, they have always been behind the eightball with their projections; climate scientists thought they were being conservative by overestimating their dire predictions, but reality seems to prove that the scientific consensus was always a bit too sanguine. And the world is doubling down on fossil fuels. Mark my words! Humanity is about to reap what it has sown over the last two generations. Welcome to stupid America!