
Climate Change? What Climate Change?

The New York Times said it perfectly in a news article: “In short, delay is the new denial.” As usual, RepubliKKKlans will find any excuse to avoid the issue of climate change. The article continues, “Few Republicans in Congress now outwardly dismiss the scientific evidence that human activities — the burning of oil, gas and coal — have produced gases that are dangerously heating the Earth. But for many, denial of the cause of global temperature rise has been replaced by an insistence that the solution — replacing fossil fuels over time with wind, solar and other nonpolluting energy sources — will hurt the economy. … Overwhelmingly, Republicans on Capitol Hill say that they believe that the United States should be drilling and burning more American oil, gas and coal, and that market forces would somehow develop solutions to the carbon dioxide that has been building in the atmosphere, trapping heat like a blanket around a sweltering Earth.”

So, in other words, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That is, of course, wrong. RepubliKKKlans are killing the planet, and they don’t care. Most of them are crazy evil evangelicals and QAnon kooks who believe (secretly) everything is a hoax and do not care about the here and now; the afterlife is their true goal. Well, those f***tards should speak for themselves and not the rest of us who would rather not sh*t all over the environment in which we live. Nonetheless, Biden had it absolutely correct in his climate speech today when he said that combating climate change means jobs, jobs, jobs. Of course, it does. Naturally, what stupid RepubliKKKlans are failing to understand is that delays and doing nothing will cost the economy even more in the future. I just can’t understand the level of abject stupidity that is putting off tackling climate change, especially when using “the economy” as an excuse. Do these f***tards have no clue of what economic, political, and military — yes military — hellscape awaits the world by doing nothing or doing too little? I have written so much about climate change that I’m getting sick of it, yet I will continue for newcomers.

I liken America’s (would-be) pursuit of global leadership on climate change to the Apollo program. Even during the 1960s, many saw the endeavor as a waste of money and resources, but America persevered. Why? Going to the Moon certainly was not a global necessity to protect the Earth. At best, it was pure national pride coupled with the expectation of gaining scientific experience and knowledge through such an achievement. (Not to mention a desire to beat the Soviets.) We did it most of all for bragging rights. But now, when the health of the planet is in the balance, we as a nation hesitate and balk at the crisis upon us. We can’t be bothered to save our own burning house because of the economy. Talk about how far America has fallen — from landing on the Moon to saying “eh” with the planet literally burning around us. Wow. It is disgraceful. What a pathetic spectacle from the RepubliKKKlan Party that has ignored and obstructed any efforts to address climate change for decades. Traitor trump still thinks it’s all a hoax. So, here we are. Here the world is — leaderless on the most critical issue in the history of humanity, all because Americans want to protect their pocketbook. Just wait until crops start failing across the gloge. How do you think that will play out? That’s when the real fun begins. Welcome to stupid America, leading the world into hell because we can’t be bothered, and that’s what we do! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.