Clueless Biden and Democratic Leadership

From The Atlantic, “When I spoke with him, Fernand Amandi, a longtime Democratic pollster based in Florida, expressed a level of alarm most activists will share only in private. ‘I fear that perhaps some Democratic leaders may be suffering from … the idea that this cannot happen here and are bordering on dereliction of duty in not sounding the alarm to the American people and to the community of nations about the existential threat that the Republican Party now presents to American democracy,’ said Amandi, whose GOP-controlled home state is one of many that have passed legislation curbing access to the ballot. Still, it’s clear that the White House is operating at a more tempered level of concern than other Democrats about the threats to small-d democracy emerging in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s attacks on the 2020 election. Based on my conversations with them, officials there seem to take a more nuanced and restrained view of what’s happening. They do not believe that more assertive public denunciation from Biden would dissuade any Republican governors or legislators who have moved to restrict voting rights. And although White House officials consider the laws offensive from a civil-rights perspective, they do not think most of those laws will advantage Republicans in the 2022 and 2024 elections as much as many liberal activists fear.”

Oh, my f***ing God! Where the f*** do I begin? First, Democrats are f***ing clueless about the threat. Second, Democrats are weak and feckless. Third, Democrats are clueless, weak, and feckless! Of course, dumbass Democrats are in denial that “this cannot happen here.” Of course, they are. They’re always in this fantasyland of “the people know better.” What the f***? Um, no! What part of “the people know better” explains traitor trump getting elected in the first place? What part? And I must repeat myself — again. The margin of Biden’s victory in three critical swing states in 2020 was less (about half less) than traitor trump’s victory in three crucial swing states (not the same states) over Hillary in 2016. So, understand this f***tards: Biden’s electoral win is more a statistical margin of error than a full-throated rebuke of traitor trump. Why can’t Democrats get that through their m*****f***ing G.D. heads? We were lucky. Plain and simple. So, yeah. Are Democrats being derelict in their duty? Absolutely! Naturally!

Then there is this idea that the “White House is operating at a more tempered level of concern.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! God! I f***ing hate Democrats’ weakness. They are pathetic and spineless. This is not the time for temperance or nuance! This is f***ing five-alarm-fire-emergency and pull-out-all-the-f***ing-stops time. No holds barred. They should be raising the alarm all over the country every day. Lord knows RepubliKKKlans understood the urgency since before Biden’s inauguration. In fact, RepubliKKKlans continuously run on exciting the base as if every election is the end of their freedoms. And it f***ing works. Democrats should be running the same playbook. But no! They only expect their voters to get excited at the last minute of election cycles. Dumbass Democrats should be raging against this American emergency — that RepubliKKKlans can and will steal elections from Democrats — every day at all times, and stop expecting voters to “figure it out” because Lord knows Americans are just too stupid and too focused on their social media feeds to be bothered to save democracy by voting — In! Every! Election! Incomprehensibly, Biden believes that just by simply attempting to do the right things, voters will reward Democrats by re-electing them. Wrooooong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! He thinks a return to “normal” will win the day against any arguments to vote for RepubliKKKlans. Normal is dead, f***tards! Dead! There is no return to normal. It is an all-out war, but Democrats are notorious for bringing a knife to a gunfight. Whatever! America is already lost, so why do I even bother getting exercised over it? Who knows? Welcome to stupid America. All dumb, all the time. Mark my words, morons!