Complete and Utter Stupidity

From CNN, “Trump says he’ll turn to Supreme Court if Congress begins impeachment.” This is a mixture of traitor trump just not knowing anything — at all– about his job or government and his followers being equally stupid for not knowing any better. Just to be clear: the courts have absolutely no prerogative regarding impeachment proceedings. (Judges themselves can be impeached.) The Constitution dictates that an impeachment, by its very nature, is not a judicial process; rather, it is a political one. It is the ultimate check enforced by those representatives closest to the people (which is why impeachment starts in the House) over others who have never been elected to an office (e.g., judges) or someone in office that is between elections (in other words, the people can’t wait to vote the person out of office because what he or she did is so offensive to the Constitution). In short, it is the get-the-f***-out-of-town card!

I just f***ing can’t anymore. I can’t take the utter and complete stupidity of the person at the head of this government that knows nothing about how the government works. Moreover, I can’t take the citizenry of a country that doesn’t understand how their own government works. Instead, they just listen to the orange man as if he is speaking the gospel while they scream “brown people are everywhere” and “wall!” Welcome to stupid f***ing America — don’t bother, the country is lost!