Confirmed: Justice Served

Al Drago for The New York Times

Now, this from The New York Times, “Overcoming a concerted effort by conservative Republicans to derail her nomination, Judge Jackson was confirmed on a 53-to-47 vote, with three Republicans joining all 50 members of the Democratic caucus in backing her.” Historic! Congratulations to Justice Jackson!

Of course, racist RepubliKKKlans Rand Paul and Aunt Lindsey Graham had to get their final digs in during roll call. First, Aunt Graham failed to wear the required tie to be present on the Senate floor, so he had to vote from an antechamber. Second, Paul held up the final vote count because they couldn’t find him; apparently, he forgot about the most historic SCOTUS confirmation in the nation’s existence! In short, both these douchebags had to showcase their contempt for Justice Jackson because they’re racists. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats had to indulge Paul! Instead of waiting for him to saunter into the chamber eventually, they could have closed the voting to cast his “no” vote. F*** that! She already had the majority to be confirmed. If he can’t be bothered to make sure he’s present by the time his name is called, then f*** him and his vote! But, oh no! Dumbass Democrats always have to place nice. God! F*** me! Why would they give him the satisfaction of being on the record as a vote against when, in truth, he should have been a no vote because he was not present. And we wonder why Democrats lose more often than they win; they have no idea how to play political hardball!