Congratulations F***tards! Now You Can Go Die for America!

CNN reports, “The incident led to threats of retaliation from Iran’s government and the escalation of tensions between the US and Iran. It sparked fears on social media of a war between the two countries and the possibility of another military draft in the US.” Congratu-f***ing-lations to all the f***ing morons of America! This is what the MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and every other person too stupid to care about elections have brought upon America! Just to be clear: this is not young people scrambling to enlist out of a patriotic sense of duty. One does not go to the Selective Service website for that; one goes to the nearest recruiting office! No, this is a bunch of young people worried the f*** that yet another RepubliKKKlan president is going to drag us into yet another pointless war — and he will (already has).

This is what happens when people don’t vote! So, here we are once again. RepubliKKKlans (Bush I and Bush II) get into office and literally destroy everything only to have Democrats (Clinton and Obama) get elected to fix RepubliKKKlan messes and once they do only to have voters invariably and promptly reward Democrats by voting them out of office for Lord knows what f***ing reason. Boredom I suppose. I guess the f***tards of America get sick of peace and prosperity under Democrats so they feel the need to just f*** everything up. So, I say f*** it up! F*** this! I’m over it! Morons, especially progressives, in this country need a big wake-up call and that wake-up call really does need to be a re-setting of the country. It is the same f***ing cycle decade after decade. I am f***ing sick of progressives/moderates outnumbering conservatives in America, yet it is always conservative politicians and policies that win out. I am sick of the minority ruling over the majority because the majority is just too apathetic and stupid to vote. So, if people don’t want to participate in democracy to protect it then I say bring back the draft f***ing immediately. F***! If people don’t want to vote then they can go fight and die instead. If MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans want to follow traitor trump off the cliff then they can go fight and die too! Maybe then people will start paying attention. Yeah…not!

I seriously hope MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are the first ones to die in this new war! I’ve said it so many f***ing times before, that people should live according to their vote. Let traitor trump supporters go fight. Let them go to die. Welcome to trump stupid America — the dumbest f***ing place on the planet.