
Sometimes one is trapped in a hairstylist’s seat for an hour, and the conversation veers into Stupidsville. I don’t know how this topic of discussion went off the tracks, but she recounted to me a conversation with another client who claimed that the trails left behind by planes are really “chemtrails.” Now, I’ve heard such lunacy driving to work at early, early hours of the morning on talk radio, but I have never heard someone regurgitate the same stupidity to me in person. Out of politeness, I prevented my eyes from rolling into the back of my head, fearing I would come out of there with crooked hair. (The person with the scissors and razor has all the power, mind you.) Let us be clear about something: Very hot moist exhaust expelled from a plane 5 miles up in the very, very cold air results in clouds, not a chemical attack on the citizens of America. Yet, it seems idiots persist in thinking the government (presumably, because most of these conspiracy morons see government entanglements everywhere) intends to poison Americans through some black-ops experiments. Because science is harder than believing B.S., these legends persist. Welcome to stupid America!