Corporations Will Not Save Your Rights, Morons

Do not expect profit-seeking companies to safeguard your rights, f***tards. They will be cowed by RepubliKKKlans eventually. As the Axios reports, “The Supreme Court’s forthcoming abortion ruling will put Corporate America in a vise, squeezed between employees pressuring companies to speak out and state governments that might punish them if they do. Companies have gotten significantly more outspoken on a host of political and social issues. Abortion was a tougher one to begin with, and a Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe v. Wade is likely to come just as big corporations are growing more afraid of how much their activism can cost them.”

If I have to hear one more person opine that corporations are going to save us from tyranny, then I am going to go ape-sh*t! Corporations will be cowed! Mark my words! What DeSantis did in Florida is a prime example. RepubliKKKlans will punish corporations for trying to protect citizens’ rights or the rights of their employees. Eventually, corporations will back down. They always do! Don’t think for a second that conservative retribution on the entire country only focuses on individuals; they want to control businesses as well, and they will. Mark my words, morons. As I constantly keep saying, we reached the point of no return when SCOTUS became a wholly-owned tool of the far-right wing. How many times do I have to keep saying it? SCOTUS is taking away voting rights and personal rights to make sure RepubliKKKlans remain in control forever. You’ve been warned. And Democrats are too weak to do anything about it because I live in stupid hell. Once corporate activism negatively impacts their profitability, then people will quickly comprehend just how much on their own they are. Welcome to stupid America!