CPAC: A Russia-First Organization

I love it when CPAC’s id tweets, and then the ego has to Russia-wash (or Russia-splain) away its true sentiments. Allow me to share excerpts from The Hill that expose the id: “According to screenshots of the post shared on Twitter, CPAC had tweeted that Russian President Vladimir Putin’ announces the annexation of 4 Ukrainian-occupied territories’ while ‘Biden and the Dems continue to send Ukraine billions of taxpayer dollars.’ ‘Meanwhile, we are under attack at our southern border. When will Democrats put #AmericaFirst and end the gift-giving to Ukraine?’ CPAC wrote in the original post.” And now the ego: “‘Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine must be repelled. Putin is a madman that is putting millions of lives at risk with his loose talk of nuclear war,’ the conservative organization wrote. ‘We must oppose Putin, but American taxpayers should not be shouldering the vast majority of the cost.’” (Lies!)

Their hate cannot be masked no matter what cleanup they attempt on aisle 13. Let’s face it! CPAC leadership and each of its members are pro-Russian authoritarianism and anti-Western democracy, all wrapped up in white supremacy. You see, morons, CPAC does not want America to be the leader of the free world. They want us to be second-fiddle to Russia’s hegemony because — brown people! Whatever! This is conservativism rising in America! Welcome to stupid America! Dumb and whitey!