CPAC: A Traitors’ Convention

Recall the picture above from a 2017 CPAC ensemble of traitors. The 2022 CPAC is absolutely no different, as key speakers like traitor trump, traitor Charlie Kirk, traitor Candace Owens, and traitor Tulsi Gabbard sing Putin’s praises and minimize the Ukrainian war. Their silence or lack of a full-throated denunciation of Putin as a war criminal is the same as condoning his actions. It is the wink-and-nod approval, and they know it. The New York Times writes, “Geoffrey Kabaservice, a historian of the Republican Party, said some [most] conservatives are enthralled by ‘cheering on Putin as he wrecks the liberal order and makes all those smarty-pants experts cry.’” Of course! It’s just all snowflake resentment. And you know what? We execute traitors in America!

I will give traitor Kirk credit for one thing he said about Ukraine as being a country with “cities we can’t pronounce, places that most Americans can’t find on a map.” Yup! No doubt he couldn’t, and everyone else in that convention couldn’t find Ukraine on a map because they’re all f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. Those f***tards couldn’t find the U.S.A. on a map of North America. That’s how stupid RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are. Their stupidity is incomprehensible and boundless. And the traitors love to meet regularly to prove it! Unfortunately, these f***tards comprise 40 percent of the American population, and as I have been saying for years now: America is too stupid to survive because we don’t do anything about these people; we just allow them to breed unabated! And then we are surprised when vermin infect the country? Welcome to stupid America!