
Criminalizing Intrastate Travel for Abortions!

According to Huff Post, “Idaho already has some of the most extreme abortion restrictions on the books, with nearly all abortions banned in the state and an affirmative defense law that essentially asserts any doctor who provides an abortion is guilty until proven innocent. And now Idaho Republicans have set their sights on hindering certain residents from traveling out of state to get an abortion. … Since the bill would criminalize anyone transporting a pregnant minor within the state to get an abortion or to obtain medication abortion, it could apply to an aunt who drives a pregnant minor to the post office to pick up a package that includes abortion pills. Or it could target an older sibling who drives a pregnant minor to a friend’s house to self-manage an abortion at home. Either violation would carry a minimum sentence of two years in prison. … ‘This is the first of what will probably be many states that pass provisions like this because it does seem to be something that the movement wants, at least for minors. Whether they expand it to adults, too, we will see,’ Cohen said. ‘But at least for minors, this seems to be part of the blueprint. And Idaho is now the first state that’s putting it into reality.’”

Here’s another thing I f***ing nailed! I predicted this soon after the Dobbs opinion dropped. What did I say would be next? Restricting people’s travel to other states to get an abortion. (See First Abortion, Then Freedom of Movement.) Now, to be clear, the Idaho law doesn’t explicitly forbid persons crossing the border to seek an abortion, but the language of the bill effectively criminalizes doing so. It is a distinction without a difference. But this is just the first draft of such legislation. Soon other red states will begin to pile on and try to outdo each other. I said mark my words before, and I will say it again. But this is what people wanted. This is what people voted for in Idaho and nationally. This is what happens when the dumbest country on the planet elected the dumbest person on the planet to be president. Oh, well. It’s only going to get worst. Welcome to stupid America. I live in stupid hell!