
Today is the 79th anniversary of D-Day, and America has never been more embracing of fascism, and that includes the German American Bund that operated and marched proudly in plain sight in the 1930s. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Only in stupid America. Of course, the majority of idiot Americans don’t understand the significance of today’s date, nor do they know what D-Day is because I live in stupid f***ing hell! Thousands of brave, young men gave their lives on this day to vanquish Nazis from Europe, and now RepubliKKKlans can’t wait to elect neo-Nazis to lead the American government. To be sure, today’s American neo-Nazi movement is far more subtle, and it lurks in every corner of the RepubliKKKlan party, from traitor trump to DeSantis to MTG to Gosar, who don’t necessarily walk around in brown shirts with a swastika armband, but they would if they thought they could get away with it. Instead of being overtly bigoted and racist, as the original Nazis were, they speak in not-so-convoluted code words like woke (anti-liberal), CRT (anti-black), groomer (anti-gay), Jews (anti-Jewish, some words never change), and the like. As the saying goes: If you don’t understand history, then you are doomed to repeat it. That truism has never been more accurate. The stupid is too profound and deadly.