
Darren Bailey on Gun Violence: ‘Let’s Move On’

According to The Hill, “Darren Bailey, an Illinois state senator and the Republican nominee for governor, apologized Monday after saying that people should ‘move on’ from the deadly Highland Park shooting earlier in the day. Bailey spoke after a July Fourth parade in the town of Skokie was canceled in the wake of the shooting, which left at least six dead and injured at least 24 others. ‘Let’s pray for justice to prevail, and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate the independence of this nation,’ he said.”

So, this guy wants to be the next governor of Illinois. Do not believe his apology. He’s lying! This is the same down-state a**hole politician running for statewide office who basically said the Northwest portion of Illinois is a hell hole. He has absolutely no interest in the lives and safety of Chicagoland. He’s one of those f***tards who would rather every county other than Cook secede from the state. Welcome to stupid America, where blue states are starting to turn purple because why not!