Conspiracy theories are winning, f***tards. And this signals the coming end of America. Of course, The New York Times is trying to pass this guy off as mentally ill. If I have to listen to or read about one more MSM media outlet give this guy a pass because he has mental issues, then I’m going to go postal myself! The Times writes, “By 2012, Ms. Schneider [a friend of DePape] said she began receiving ‘very bizarre’ emails from Mr. DePape in which he equated himself with Jesus Christ. She felt the messages were ‘somewhat dangerous,’ she said, and she stopped communicating with him. ‘This was a guy who didn’t have a lot of internal strength,’ she said. ‘He’d follow anything a little abnormal in front of him.’” F*** that sh*t!
Conspiracy theories and nothing more drove this man. These theories are gaining traction and power in a supremely stupid country that is America. This is what a dying country looks like. Take a picture, people. Welcome to stupid America!