
Davos Decree

According to Reuters, “U.S. President Donald Trump demanded OPEC lower oil prices and the world drop interest rates in a speech to global business and political leaders and warned them they will face tariffs if they make their products anywhere but the U.S. ‘I’ll demand that interest rates drop immediately. And likewise, they should be dropping all over the world,’ Trump said via video to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday. ‘I’m also going to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to bring down the cost of oil.’”

Of course, Dictator Dom has no clue what he’s talking about — and f***tard Americans love him for it, for as I have repeatedly stated: Morons of America can only look up to Dictator Don and see him as some kind of genius if they, themselves, are utter f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order! He’s not going to force OPEC to produce more oil (hence, lower oil prices) or countries to “drop” interest rates. Nations are going to act in their own self-interests, not according to the dictates of The Don! As usual, he thinks he can strong-arm or “negotiate” with them to get what he wants by issuing feckless threats. And part of the problem is that the morons in these other countries keep humoring him and pretending that his threats are viable or “worthy of consideration.” There is very little pushback from allies; they vacillate between wanting to “work with him” (i.e., all dumbass Democrats and other world leaders) and mildly claiming that “we’ve seen this before” (Maxime Bernier on Twitter), which demonstrates their insouciance toward such grave threats — just another day in the new era of America as a terrorist state. Once in a while, you get pushback from some government leaders, like in Denmark, where Anders Vistisen said, “Mr. Trump, fuck off!” in regard to his comments about buying Greenland by force. Ironically, Vistisen is a conservative in his own country, although a European conservative is not quite as conservative as the American variety, but, interestingly, a conservative understands how to talk to (understands the correct language used toward) Dictator Don, while our own weak dumbass Democrats constantly hide behind decorum, which only evinces just how f***ing pathetic they are to combat The Don! But I digress.

Back to my point, Dictator Don barks, and most of the liberal world jumps in fear while at the same time knowing that the words coming out of his mouth are meaningless and empty. Yet, they treat him like the emperor he is not. This is how other democratic countries willingly diminish themselves by indulging The Don merely by listening and nodding. These people should not be rolling their eyes, a form of acquiescence, at Dictator Don; they should speak like Vistisen. But whatever! The damage is already done. The end of the world order that has kept nations out of a world war has ended. The age of autocrats has begun, and people don’t f***ing care. Welcome to stupid humanity, always craving a king at heart and desiring to dominate the least among us. You could not be more Christ-like if you tried.