Day Late and Dollar Short, Dumbass Democrats!

From The Hill, “While welcoming Obama’s efforts, however, some experts knocked the former president for not taking action on the issue sooner. ‘As a disinformation expert and a civil rights lawyer who thinks about the intersections, I’m on the one hand very grateful that he has come forward with a set of very clear eyed and holistic solutions,’ said Nora Benavidez, senior counsel at Free Press. ‘That being said, it feels very late in the game to see former President Obama come forward with these comments,’ she said. Obama himself said he regrets failing to ‘fully appreciate’ during the 2016 election ‘just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories.’”

Dumbass Democrats are always behind the political eightball. Always! Always! Always! Now?!?! Now, Obama feels the need to step up the campaign to fight back against misinformation? Where was he during all of traitor trump’s presidency? Let me guess? Obama was trying to stick to the old — now defunct — tradition of the previous president staying out of politics so the successor could “do” his job. Wow! How did that work out? Traitor trump basically spent four years ruining America and solidifying the new MAGA RepubliKKKlan Party that explicitly advocates hate. At the same time, former presidents remained silent, looking on in horror but daring not to break “tradition” by criticizing traitor trump.

Not to mention everything Obama failed to do during his eight years on misinformation. It all started with the “Taxed Enough Already” Party, which was really just an organized way to claim legitimacy when they spewed their Obama hate and bigotry. The Tea Party was never concerned about taxes or limiting government; their stated motivations were always a canard. It was simply an institutionalized (and obvious) hate group. Obama spent eight years weakly brushing off RepubliKKKlans’ growing and coordinated attacks on him and the Democrats for fear of becoming that “angry Black man.” So here we are! Eight years of the Tea Party and birtherism morphed into MAGA world that has consumed the RepibliKKKlan Party and is soon to consume the rest of America. Meanwhile, dumbass Democrats are still trying to understand the threat to democracy; they are still expecting the average idiot America to “figure things out.” That is to say, brush off misinformation, see the truth, and vote Democratic. Christ! Americans are stupid! They believe the misinformation unless you tell them not to, and Democrats are not doing that! Kill me now. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!