Dead Man Walking

From Axios, “U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital for tests as a ‘precautionary step’ as his coronavirus symptoms have continued to persist 10 days after testing positive, according to a Downing Street spokesperson.” “Precautionary” my a**! What a load of f***ing B.S. It’s code for he’s in serious trouble! A persistent fever for ten days is big, big trouble. He’s in hospital for some “tests.” Tests for what? They already know he has SARS 2. So now they are probably testing for pneumonia or perhaps some indications of potential sepsis. Maybe they really mean that they want to monitor his failing vital systems. It’s already in his lungs (probably deeply) and his immune system is not gaining any ground on the disease as an abiding fever would indicate. Once in hospital, he could go quickly! I’ll be the first to predict that Boris will succumb to SARS 2. He’s a denier, so eh. Who cares? Deniers will deny! I mean this is the same leader that thought community-wide inoculation (herd immunity) of SARS 2 was the proper way for the country to get over the disease quickly — ala traitor trump mentality. In other words, give everyone SARS 2 and let the chips fall where they may. And so now it’s happening just as Boris wanted it! And just like nature, it seems the weak are culled from the herd — Boris!