
‘Death and Destruction’

Look, f***tards! This is what a dying country looks like! How many f*** times must I repeat myself before people understand? I will concede the preemptive rallies of traitor trump supporters have been pathetic. Indeed, far more sparse than I had expected. Although I did not expect January 6-sized crowds, what has actually materialized — a few dozen protestors at most in NY and Mar-a-Lago — has been shocking. But I do not apprehend these meager gatherings as thoroughly instructive, for traitor trump has not actually been indicted yet. Once that happens, everything is off the table. Lord knows what will happen. Probably the death and destruction traitor trump is calling for. To be clear, his hardcore followers are rabid, intense, unhinged from reality, and committed. We don’t need the 10,000s of protestors on January 6 to cause mayhem. You just need a few wackos hitting any soft target. Welcome to stupid America. We never learn — ever!