
Death by QAnon: America

Allow me to repeat myself — again. And allow me to speak slowly for the f***tards out there: The level of American stupid cannot be undone — ever. We are stuck with this abject stupidity unless and until they start dying off, but given the growing support and adherents to QAnon, there is little chance of that happening. QAnon will kill this country. But fear not! No one cares because people are morons and don’t see this mass delusional conspiracy as a threat. You should think twice about that!

Politico has a good interview on the subject: “Unlike many may have expected, or at least hoped, QAnon never faded away, even after Trump’s election loss in 2020 and its prophesies failed to come true. But conspiracy theories never really die, they only morph. … ‘I’ll just add, there’s a lot of people who believe in QAnon — more than we would think. From a poll earlier this year, I think in February, it’s 1 in 5 Americans are QAnon adherents, and 1 in 4 are Republicans. So those are big, big numbers.’… ‘People often say you shouldn’t point to the 1930s and the rise of the Nazis as similar to what the United States is facing. But there are actually similarities to that time period. You have the rise of a leader who is overtly authoritarian, who is challenging a democratic system, by saying our whole election system is bogus and corrupt. You also have things going on on the streets like Proud Boy rallies that are sort of reminiscent with the brown shirts. You have the rise of the far right in multiple countries. It’s not just here in the United States. You would have seen that in Sweden, the Swedish Democrats are going to form the government there after the elections about a week ago, and that’s a party that is literally rooted in neo-Nazism. There’s about to probably be another far-right winner in Italy, who has connections to a lot of extremist groups and who idolizes Mussolini. It’s hard not to think about the 1930s as somewhat reminiscent of what we’re experiencing right now. For me, this is quite frightening because we all know where that led, and it was horrific.’”

The end is coming, f***tards. People are becoming complacent as authoritarianism — wrapped in conspiracy theories and nationalism — starts to take over whole populations, political parties, governments, and countries. But no one cares as it happens in plain sight and before our very eyes. Wake up, morons! Whatever. Humanity is just not smart enough to withstand the hate and stupidity of the loud minority, who will bring destruction to America and the world. Oh, well. I warned you first and often! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯