
Death of the Judiciary = Death of America

Gallup published a new poll about the Article III branch of the U.S. Constitution, and the results are grim. America cannot endure outcomes like this. The judiciary is ostensibly the branch of the government that dispenses impartial justice, but when each half of the nation (or perhaps each third) diverges in trust of the judiciary, then essentially the final pillar of the nation — belief in the rule of law — has crumbled. What is left when a nation no longer trusts elections that bring the executive and legislative branches to power and the courts no longer reflect what any segment of the population believes? What is left? Nothing but a disparate collection of factions that have nothing left in common. These polls indicate the final shoe has dropped and continues to drop — no one is even bothering to catch it. We are headed for civil war, and people seem to blithely continue their lives as if everything will magically fix itself. Welcome to stupid America. Too dumb and indifferent to endure!