Death Spiral of America: QAnon, Guns, and Idiocracy

According to a stunning article in The New York Times, “Mr. Jones said he was struck by the prevalence of QAnon’s adherents. Overlaying the share of poll respondents who expressed belief in its core principles over the country’s total population, ‘that’s more than 30 million people,’ he said. ‘Thinking about QAnon, if it were a religion, it would be as big as all white evangelical Protestants, or all white mainline Protestants,’ he added. ‘So it lines up there with a major religious group.’ He also noted the correlation between belief in QAnon’s fiction and the conviction that armed conflict would be necessary. ‘It’s one thing to say that most Americans laugh off these outlandish beliefs, but when you consider that these beliefs are linked to a kind of apocalyptic thinking and violence, then it becomes something quite different,’ he said.” Then add on top of that this: “A measure long sought by conservative activists allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license [i.e., training, background check if bought through a private transaction] is on the cusp of becoming law after the Texas Senate approved a compromise on the bill Monday, sending it to Gov. Greg Abbott. Abbott has said he would sign the permitless carry proposal into law.”

Of course, RepubliKKKlans are passing a bill that the vast majority of Texans do not want, but what else is new? I say it every f***ing time: This nation is the tyranny of the minority over the majority, and no one cares. Whatever! And, of course, the reality of QAnon gaining prominence in America’s idiocracy coupled with ever-increasing lax gun laws is like the peanut butter and chocolate recipe for America’s demise. America deserves it! I have long said America is too stupid to survive, and now I am witnessing it in real (accelerated) time. One cannot possibly make up the headlines populating the pages of newspapers, newscasts, and websites, yet they are real. One may argue America has always had some level of “crazy,” and I would certainly agree. Still, this moment in history is significantly different because the QAnon kookery is the new religion, and guns are (another) epidemic in America, which is only getting worse and being facilitated by RepubliKKKlans, who are themselves being taken over by MAGA morons and QAnon. Sadly, these two facets of American culture are now primary drivers of American politics. Do you see the problem here? That is, my friends, the poison combination that is destroying America. And I am not being hyperbolic. America is too stupid to stop it. Who would have ever thought two ardent adherents of QAnon could be elected to Congress? Yet, it happened — twice! Just wait until the next Congress; there will be more. If 30 million morons (that’s 1 in 10 citizens!) believe the QAnon bat-sh*t craziness, then there is no reason that that 30 million should not be represented more fully in the next Congress, especially if f***tard RepubliKKKlan politicians run on a QAnon (or at least a not QAnon-denying) platform. This is a full-blown disease that is metastasizing and killing the nation. QAnon is not going anywhere, and people will be sorely mistaken to laugh it off as some sort of ephemeral aberration, for QAnon perfectly reflects the ethos of America’s stupidity, and now that it has reached religiosity status, America is truly, truly f***ed! Mark my words, f***tards. Stupid America loves the crazy, and they want these morons running the government! I guess people need to be entertained as America dies, and RepubliKKKlans are more than willing to oblige, knowing the re-incarnation of the nation will be for straight WASPs men only! Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!