Debt Ceiling Debacle Cost Us More, of Course

According to CNN, “Since the debt ceiling was breached in mid-January, the Treasury Department has not been able to borrow more money. To pay its bills on time, Treasury has undergone a series of extraordinary measures to buy it more time in hopes that Congress takes action to suspend or raise the debt limit. These measures included selling existing investments and suspending reinvestments of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. Doing so helped the Treasury free up billions of dollars to delay a potential default. Now, Treasury will try to quickly get back to business as usual. To do that, the Treasury will need to raise cash. Fast. By law, the Treasury Department is obligated to make any funds that were affected by the extraordinary measures whole. It is also required to pay interest on the lapse in funding. … In addition to Friday’s auction, a Thursday auction saw $25 billion of three-day cash management bills yielding 6.15%. That exceeds the yields at which almost all other Treasury bills are trading, underscoring the premium investors are demanding to buy the government’s debt [emphasis added].”

I expected nothing less. RepubliKKKlans flirted with not raising the debt ceiling, and, of course, in the end, it cost the American people more in back interest and the government being forced to use extremely short-term borrowing measures at excessively high interest rates. Once again, the RepubliKKKlan Party demonstrates its “fiscal responsibility” “prowess,” and still, f***tard Americans constantly believe conservatives are better at managing how the country handles its finances. Never mind that their debt ceiling stunt costs us more money. Never mind that traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans increased the national debt by 25 percent in four f***ing years — the highest ever increase under one president. Never mind the traitor trump tax cuts never paid for themselves as they had advertised. Never mind said tax cuts were a boon to corporations and the super-rich but hurt the middle class. Not to mention what little benefits the middle class gained from the traitor trump tax cuts start expiring in 2025. Oh, yes! Provisions of the bill begin sunsetting for the peons. I’m certain moron Americans don’t realize this because they’re f***ing idiots. The tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy are permanent, by the way. Go figure! Yet, the average American f***tard thinks RepubliKKKlans are better for their personal finances. Un-f***ing-believable. Every f***ing time. This is why America is so f***ing stupid. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America. A country of morons for morons by morons!