Defund the Police Anchor

From Politico, “As Democrats turn toward defending their congressional majorities next year, the party is running headlong into one important piece of unfinished business: the bitter debate over whether protesters’ push to defund the police seriously damaged their prospects in 2020.” That is the first paragraph of the article and that’s where I stopped because the answer is manifest and there really is no argument to be made other than dumbass Democrats and liberals really f***ed up the messaging — again. Go figure. Clearly, the “defund the police” slogan harmed down-ticket and state-wide elections. I have no idea where to start re-hashing this topic again as I have written previously that dumbass Democrats always know how to pull defeat from the jaws of victory, and by that, I mean losing seats in the U.S. House and losing should-have-won a couple of U.S. Senate seats. Yes, yes. They did win a couple of impossible U.S. Senate seats in Georgia. But my overall point is that Biden’s victory should have been accompanied by greater gains in U.S. Congress and greater gains in the states, but that did not happen. The primary reason is because of the ridiculous notion of “defund the police” which is a wholly-owned and embraced mantra of the morons on the far left.

Ugh! f*** me! Look! I’m on the left, but I’m not on the stupid left and I actually understand the country in which I live. The country is center-right. Full f***ing stop. (Don’t kid yourselves of anything otherwise.) And to be a bit more precise about my declaration, it seems people vote center-right. They may have center or center-left viewpoints, but for whatever reason people still like to vote conservatively. America has always been and probably will always be this way, especially since idiot liberal groups that keep pulling hard to the left do more harm than good for Democrats overall, and they’ll do it more effectively if they can’t get their f***ing G.D. messaging act together, which starts with not creating and promoting f***tarded messages that suggests taking money away from police departments. I know and the left knows that is not entirely what “defund the police” means, but when one party communicates to a generally very, very stupid citizenry then communicating in shorthand that invokes the opposite message is nothing but pure stupidity. Welcome to stupid America. It’s stupid on both sides. (More so on the conservative side.)