Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


Whenever I read an article about MAGA moron insurrectionists, it always involves the person violating the terms of their pre-trial release or journalists unearthing their prior criminal history. The list of offenses (convictions, mind you) often involves DUI and DUI manslaughter, sex with a minor (un-f***ing-believable considering these people are usually AQnon kooks), fraud, drug possession (usually meth), gun and ammunition possession, public intoxication, assault and battery, using the internet (to continue recruiting insurrectionists), fleeing arrest (because they’ve been caught violating terms of their release), and grand theft. (The list is not exhaustive.) You get the point. These people were degenerates before the insurrection and traitor trump, with his degenerate magnetism, attracted these criminals to attack our government. These people are all the same. Worse still, traitor trump made being an idiot degenerate mainstream and cool. Hillary has always been right! These people are the “basket of deplorables.” She should have never backed down from that comment, and dumbass Democrats should have never condemned her for such trenchant insight into 40 percent of America’s population.

Once again, Democrats are too f***ing weak and stupid to fight the threat to America’s democracy because they can’t even recognize it or call it for what it is! Words matter, morons! It all starts with first defining the problem. Of course, these same degenerates are now in Congress, and surely RepubliKKKlans and the rest of the moronic hoard will elect more deplorables to Congress because they are a perfect reflection of America — and Democrats are powerless to stop them. Get ready for the great moronic and degenerate takeover of Congress come the next election cycle. It’s only going to get worse. (And I won’t even get into the evil evangelical competent of the dumbing down of America.) Mark my words, f***tards! The idiocracy is just beginning! America is going to be toppled by a mob of druggies and criminals! Fan-f***ing-tastic! I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid (and criminal) America.