Democracy, Eh!

Data: Economist Intelligence Unit; Map: Jared Whalen/Axios

According to Axios, “An annual global democracy index dropped to its lowest score since tracking began in 2006, with just 45.7% of the world’s population living in a democracy of some sort. … At his inaugural ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December, President Biden cast the global advance of authoritarianism as ‘the defining challenge of our time.’ He pledged to spend up to $424 million over the next year on democratic renewal initiatives. … The index ranks countries on a scale of 1-10, based on 60 indicators grouped into five categories: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. … Ongoing political polarization during Biden’s first year in office contributed to a democratic decline in the U.S., branded a ‘flawed democracy’ that saw its score drop from 7.92 to 7.85. … The top five countries for democracy are Norway (9.75), New Zealand (9.37), Finland (9.27), Sweden (9.26) and Iceland (9.18).” Funny how the most democratic nations are the ones with economies that most provide a social safety net so that more citizens can prosper. You know, that s-word RepubliKKKlans fear here in America. More evidence that Americans really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Americans would rather have a poorly performing democracy as long as they can keep the chance to be as greedy and selfish as possible. Everyone thinks they are going to be the next billionaire. There is a direct correlation between a country’s form of government and how it organizes its economy.

And this from The Hill, “The poll, conducted by YouGov, found that 42 percent of Americans surveyed said that the U.S. should send financial aid to Ukraine, compared to 24 percent who said it was a bad idea and 34 percent who said that they were unsure. Fifty-five percent of Americans said that they were against sending U.S. troops in to fight Russian soldiers in the event of an incursion in Ukraine. Only 13 percent of those surveyed thought it was a good idea. Thirty-four percent of Americans disapprove of U.S. troops going to Ukraine to assist but not fight the Russians if an invasion would occur. Thirty-three percent support the idea and 33 percent are unsure of their position.” What is most important in these results is the combination of those against helping Ukraine and those “unsure,” which is just another way of saying Americans don’t care and if hard-pressed would decide against helping a country trying to move toward democracy. How is it that after World War I, World War II, and the Cold War we still have such an isolationist streak in America? How is this possible? It is incomprehensible to me. It’s as if Americans have learned nothing from the past. As if nothing in any other hemisphere of the planet impacts us. As if we no longer care about being the nation that defends democracies around the world, much less at home. I expected nothing less from Americans!

Put these two artifacts together and this is why Biden has it right in regard to both the battle for democracy around the world and standing up to Russia over Ukraine, but unfortunately, the rest of America’s idiocracy just doesn’t get it, and probably will never be convinced otherwise. Let’s face it: America is too stupid it keep a democracy. Autocracy in America, in particular, is on the rise as RepubliKKKlans continue to consolidate power at the local and state levels to the point where rigged elections and voter suppression will be the new normal as a means for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks to retain permanent political power, and Americans will do the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ while moving toward more fascism. This is why Ukraine is so important. This is why elections matter. This is why having an engaged and aware — that’s putting it politely — citizenry matters. This is why fighting for democracy around the world matters.

Putin likes to complain that NATO nations on Russia’s border are a threat to their national security. That is a lie, of course. The reason Putin is so intent on invading Ukraine is that he fears democracy. It has nothing to do with NATO expansion and everything to do with securing Russia’s autocracy and rebuilding the U.S.S.R. Plain and simple. Democracies are almost never the aggressors — thanks to Bush II for the Iraq War II disaster that proves the rule. Does Putin truly think if NATO were to expand right up to Russia’s border that the alliance would start to invade? That is nonsense thinking. What he fears is that the people of Russia will want to become a true democracy if it gets too close. But guess what? It appears that Americans fear democracy, too! Oh, well.

I think it’s already about 95% too late for America. All the pieces have fallen into place. After traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans have seized the opportunity to change election laws in all the right places to keep themselves in power no matter what the election results. Redistricting has only boosted their chance and SCOTUS is the final firewall that will gladly uphold anti-democratic and illiberal issues for the next 20 years. As I’ve repeatedly said before, the stars have all aligned in favor for RepubliKKKlans to kill the rest of democracy at home, and it seems the rest of the world is in the same position with America leading the way; it is sad to see polls indicate that Americans really don’t care what happens to Ukraine even though the fate of that nation is critically important to determine if democracies of the world can stand up and win against autocracies. It’s all linked, people. How many times do I have to keep saying it? It’s all linked. These events happen concurrently for a reason. Putin is not acting in a vacuum. RepubliKKKlans are not acting in a vacuum. Traitor trump’s take over of the RepubliKKKlan Party did not happen in a vacuum. Democracy is dying not in a vacuum! Eh! Oh, well. No one cares! Welcome to stupid America!