
Democrats Are in a No-Win Situation

So, I guess it is finally sinking in with me: Democrats are in a no-win situation no matter the election results. Really there are only two outcomes, which the RepubliKKKlans have aptly defined. Kelly Lake’s recent response during a CNN interview about accepting the election results if she loses reinforced what I believe. There is the first option: RepubliKKKlans win the House and Senate (and a whole bunch of other statewide races), which is easy enough to speculate about and most likely. They declare victory, take their marbles, embark on destroying America’s democracy, and dumbass Democrats stand around scratching their heads, trying to figure out what the f*** went wrong. They’ll spend weeks and months conducting “autopsies” to uncover the obvious problems and then proceed to make the same mistakes in two years.

Then there is the second option: RepubliKKKlans lose more than they won. The House is a sure win, but close contents, such as the Senate and other statewide races, may not favor them. What do you think happens then? RepubliKKKlans concede? Hell f***ing no! This is where the no-win situation becomes yet one more nail in the coffin of America’s democracy. RepubliKKKlans have been priming the pump, steering expectations, and cultivating conspiracy theories for just this moment. If they lose, then it’s because the races were stolen. How do you think 40 percent of the nation who believes this bat-sh*t craziness will take losing — “again”? They aren’t. This is the first national election since January 6. The country has only devolved since then, with more people than ever believing political violence is acceptable to correct election “wrongs.” I’m telling you f***tards. This is probably the last few weeks of peace we’ll see in this nation. Either there will be open rebellion if RepubliKKKlans don’t get their way, or democracy will be on the fast track to fascism if they do. But who am I to speculate? Welcome to stupid America! The end is near.