
Democrats Are Weak and Killing Our Democracy

Let me preface my forthcoming rant by reminding readers that I have never knowingly voted for a RepubliKKKlan in my life, and I never will. I’m not an idiot. And I understand that when faced with a choice between two evils — which Biden versus traitor trump is not, but many f***tards believe it to be — then always select the lesser of the two evils. So, no matter my polemics against Biden and Democrats, I would sooner put another hole in my head than not vote for Biden. But I will say this, though. Democrats (and Biden) never seem to pass up the chance to f*** things over for their political party and the country. This is nothing I haven’t already said on numerous occasions. Needless to say, Democrats are still playing politics the old way and losing. But of course!

I think Charles Blow states the case well when he writes in The New York Times, “But not only are most of Trump’s Republican rivals avoiding attacking him over his various indictments, so is his Democratic one. Joe Biden refuses to comment on them. He and his campaign have chosen to keep their distance from the chaos and not feed into Trump’s false assertion that his legal woes originate from political animus. This idea of a dignified silence has a long political history, but its utility and efficacy is unclear in a modern context. It feels a bit like a ‘Happy Days’ nostalgia in a ‘Walking Dead’ reality. And yet the Biden campaign plows ahead with it. Just last week, the Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond reiterated the strategy: ‘We’re not going to focus on Donald Trump’s legal problems.’ But Trump’s legal problems aren’t about parking tickets or child support payments; they’re about an ongoing assault on our democracy, and it is hard to square having the candidate who is campaigning on protecting our democracy not address the great threat to that democracy. And that threat isn’t simply about what has happened, but what could yet happen. … Still, Biden adheres to a dignified silence approach, clinging almost religiously to the notion that voters will recognize and appreciate the difference between a restorer and a destroyer. That may well be the case. The continuity of the Republic as we know it may hang on it. But it’s perfectly reasonable to question the wisdom of that approach and to be apprehensive about it. … During a Labor Day speech, one that some saw as the president beginning to ratchet up his attack on Trump, Biden didn’t even mention his predecessor’s name, instead repeatedly referring to him as ‘the last guy.’ Most of Trump’s opponents, both Republican and Democratic, are placing a risky bet, one that completely depends on the discernment of the American voter. That may, in the end, prove to be a brilliant tactical assessment, but I worry that it’s just as likely to be a tragic miscalculation.”

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Once again, dumbass Democrats continue to sleepwalk into losing because they are weak and still have no f***ing clue how to fight. One thing that absolutely drives my bat-sh*t-crazy with Biden is his refusal to call out traitor trump by name. This “last guy” routine is so f***ing frustrating and annoying. How can you take on someone if you can’t say their name? You can’t. I’m not sure why f***tard Democrats can’t apprehend this. And then there is this notion from dumbass Democrats — Biden in particular — that the “average” (idiot) voter can discern between saving democracy by voting for Biden versus voting for traitor trump, who, in his own words, wants to destroy our form of government. I’m here to tell you Americans are not smart; do not trust them to make the right decision, let alone twice in a row. That’s how we got traitor trump in the first place. In 2016, the choice was between an eminently qualified candidate in Hillary Clinton or a “businessman” who became a household name through a reality T.V. show. It should have been an easy — dare I say no-brainer — choice. Look what happened. I will never trust f***tard Americans to consistently make the right choices again, especially when our democracy is on the line. Yet dumbass Democrats seem to be resting assured that voters are intelligent enough. Again, this is the party of morons who somehow convinced themselves they actually won the House because they lost by a much slimmer margin than expected. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with the stupid. Maybe I’ll change my tune when I see Dark Brandon on the campaign trail every day, but that will never happen because Democrats are just f***ing weak, and Biden doesn’t have the fire in his belly. Welcome to stupid America! The end is here! Get ready!