Democrats Do Not the Majority — Never Have or Will

From the words of Senator Joe Manchin (DINO-W. VA.), “That is why I have said it before and will say it again to remove any shred of doubt: There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster.” Look, morons. Democrats are not and have never really been in the majority since the first two years of the Obama administration, and even then they usually fumbled their power — go figure. But now for anyone to think Democrats have control in the Senate only evince one’s abject ignorance. Notwithstanding Manchin’s DINO standing, technically Democrats truly only have 48 Senate seats because two people who caucus with Democrats are Independents (Sanders and King), so to be sure Democrats seem to be riding high on some wave of euphoria because they think they have a slim majority in the Senate. Well, they don’t. Their majority is in name only, too.

Then we come to Machin! Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. Where to begin with this man! He’s a Democrat serving in a RepubliKKKlan state, so he acts like a RepubliKKKlan, especially when it comes to Democratic priorities; then he becomes an obstructionist just like every other RepubliKKKlan. What’s the point of claiming to be a Democrat if he is not going to vote for Democratic issues, or worse still, bars Democratic legislation from coming to a vote at all so he doesn’t have to take the “hard” vote? Why even bother if one person has no problem with the Senate continuing to be the graveyard of good legislation under Democratic control? It’s just more of the same, and to think (or wait or expect) that compromise is possible with RepubliKKKlans on anything is just more stupidity heaped onto idiocy packed into a pipe dream. Again, it’s just more of the same delusional expectations that have crippled Congress for decades, always expecting this time will be different. As I have said in the past: I can’t wait for nothing to change! And I am sure this year, this Congress will be exactly the same — weak dumbass Democrats who think they have power but don’t, and they are feckless on how to gain real, decisive power. The count down to RepubliKKKlan control started the day after Biden was sworn into office! Welcome to stupid America!