Democrats Nail Own Coffin

From The Hill, “The Biden administration’s decision to end to Title 42, a Trump-era policy restricting asylum claims, garnered a fractured response from Democratic lawmakers, advocates and the administration itself. Progressives and immigration advocates lauded the decision, arguing it was long overdue after President Biden pledged to end the rule during his 2020 campaign. However, moderate Senate Democrats issued a rebuke of the recission, claiming that the administration is not ready to manage a surge of migrants they say will come once the rule is nixed.”

I have no f***ing clue why dumbass Democrats are pushing for this now. I mean, WTF! Honestly, when it comes to immigration, I only care about one thing: Political optics and fallout. Except for the repugnant family separation policy under the traitor trump administration, I’m really agnostic about the ethics of immigration — in favor or against. Also, building a wall is the worst, most ineffective method of controlling border crossings. Building a wall was always a gimmick to pander to the American morons — I expected nothing less. Controlling immigration requires going to the source and limiting demand. Regardless, I am concerned about dumbass Democrats gifting RepubliKKKlans yet another talking point just in time for midterm elections. Are Democrats trying to lose the House and the Senate? What votes do they possibly hope to gain by creating an immigration crisis? Un-f***ing-believable. Look, f***tards. The only voters sensitive to another border crisis are those Independents in the political center. RepubliKKKlans and center-right Independents are always going to vote against Democrats over border and immigration policy even when it mirrors the previous administration. What remains are those true swing Independents, and they are not going to abide by chaos at the Mexican border. Republikkklans are experts at weaponizing any increase in immigration news. Whatever! When are dumbass Democrats ever going to learn that chaos at the southern border always hurts them more than it helps paint RepubliKKKlans as being heartless? Welcome to stupid America.