Democrats on Roe: Asleep! At! The! Wheel!

Politico writes, “Progressive leaders are staring down what they consider the biggest emergency for abortion rights in half a century — and they fear that both Democratic voters and elected officials are failing to appreciate the threat of a world without Roe v. Wade. The ripple effects of an anticipated Supreme Court ruling scaling back or eliminating the right to an abortion would go beyond the most conservative parts of the country and also hit the blue states that have already become havens for people fleeing a host of new restrictive laws. … In Virginia, Democrats didn’t heed calls from activists to use their final months in the majority to call a special session and codify Roe into state law; they now find themselves out of power. … A December Morning Consult poll of 2,000 registered voters found that most believe Roe v. Wade should not be overturned and that abortion should remain legal in ‘most or all cases.’ But the survey also found the public to be uninformed or misinformed about the stakes and likely outcome of the pending Supreme Court ruling on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. Nearly half — 44 percent — of those surveyed said they had heard ‘not much’ or ‘nothing at all’ about the case, while nearly two-thirds either said they didn’t know how likely the court was to overturn Roe or said the court isn’t likely to overturn the precedent. … Even many who realize the Supreme Court is poised to curtail if not completely eliminate Roe don’t think it will impact them, activists said — making it difficult to drum up sufficient political pressure on Democratic officials, and leaving it to volunteers and grassroots organizations to take up the slack [emphasis added].”

There is much to unpack in the quote above, but as I read more articles and perspectives on the fight over Roe, I am coming to a new realization: Dumbass Democrats are just as much to blame as RepubliKKKlans for the death of Roe at every level and at every turn. This should not come as any surprise to those who have read my other posts on the subject. It has become increasingly and painstakingly clear that Democrats really have given up on the fight — if they were ever fighting in the first place. The current state of abortion rights in the country suggests they never had their hearts in it or, worst still, hoped things would simply remain the same without any intervention, which is the typical magical wishful thinking that seems to be the cornerstone of their tactical political ruthlessness — “ruthlessness.”

So, here we are on the brink of SCOTUS reversing Roe, and no one except for a small group of activists cares, much less understands what’s a stake. And this expectation from dumbass Democrats that there will be this huge backlash and “blue wave” in the next election when SCOTUS reverses Roe is pure delusion. It is just as delusional as a belief that the Court would never scuttle such a long-standing precedent that has a vast majority of popular support. Abortions have been effectively illegal in Texas for five months, and the collective concern and uproar have been crickets, except for Justice Sotomayor. She is truly the only one raising hell, but she may as well be a tree falling in the forest — there is no one listening. This is exactly how terminating Roe is going to play out: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Mark my words on this one, f***tards. Most people say they care, but they don’t; they won’t lift a finger — much less vote — to change anything because that will be the problem for some of the other 50 percent of the population. Oh, well. Morons of America will do what they do best: Move on! It’s always the “other” person’s problem!

Of course, American f***tards are missing a much graver concern, and that is the right to privacy, which is the foundation of Roe. Roe exists because the Court ruled 49 years ago that a woman has the right to privacy between her and her doctor. The government has no right or interest to regulate or interfere with healthcare decisions arrived at via the doctor-patient relationship (for the most part). Well, that is about to go right out the window, and no one seems to understand or care. Democrats certainly are not screaming bloody murder about it. No! In fact, they are pretty good at remaining calm and silent. And, as I have said time after time, once the right to privacy is no longer protected, then all of our rights based on privacy are at risk. Justice Thomas has literally said that there is no right to privacy in the Constitution or, more generally. Morons of America will be surprised about all the rights they thought the Constitution afforded them but were never really there; such rights existed only because they were encoded in the Roe decision. Of course, one would think those “don’t tread on me” uber-conservatives idiots might be up in arms about such a notion that the highest court in the land believes the government can intrude in their private lives. But, naturally, the hypocrisy is boundless. Whatever! Other people’s privacy is never a concern for conservatives until it threatens their straight white cis-gender privilege.

As the survey in the article describes, people are clueless about the issue and the ramifications of what the Court is about to do to their lives — men and women. Gay rights will be next. What you do in your bedroom — for heterosexuals and homosexuals — will be the next logical target. And don’t get me started on marriage equality. That’ll be gone soon enough. Mark my words, f***tards. Between the Christian theocratic rule about to be imposed by SCOTUS and the abject stupidity and indifference of voters, this will be a very different country over the next few SCOTUS terms where privacy becomes a vague notion dictated by white, straight, evangelical men (and one token woman). What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to stupid America. I expected nothing less!