The disaster I have long foretold is becoming clearer and clearer with each passing SCOTUS term, and dumbass Democrats only have themselves to blame for their unyielding stupidity and confidence in the “intelligence” of the typical American, who they constantly insist — that Biden just said during an interview on MSNBC in which he proclaimed a “great faith in the instincts of the American people” — knows better. Do they, though? Did Americans know better when they elected traitor trump? Biden’s optimism really can be insufferable at times because it evinces such a level of naivety that one wonders how he can detect domestic threats. (FYI: This SCOTUS is a domestic threat.) The damage has already been done, f***tards, and the consequences of electing traitor trump to appoint one-third of SCOTUS will be decades in the making and take generations to correct — if the damage can be reversed and America even lasts that long. Democrats’ singular focus in the 2016 presidential election should have been SCOTUS. And voters, more generally, should have been aware of the risks of electing traitor trump while McConnell (illegally) held open a seat on the Court.
If for no other reason, voters should have elected Hillary to preserve the already tenuous balance of SCOTUS. But no! Americans are morons, especially Democrats, who like to think that the president is the most important and consequential position in government. He is not! The most powerful people in the government are the six unelected uber-conservative justices who will re-shape America for generations to come or at least until liberal conservatives can regain the majority, which I will not hold my breath for because dumbass Democrats are too weak and timid to mess with the Court in the way demanded to take back control — witness Biden, who said that he would rather not “mess” with the Court’s composition. So, Democrats helped create the mess we’re in because they are idiots and still haven’t figured out to play politics with the political ruthlessness necessary to save America. RepubliKKKlans understand this, and they know how to play politics to win the long game. Welcome to stupid America. The end is well underway!