Democrats Will Always Get Outplayed

From CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has vowed to remove three Democratic lawmakers from key committee assignments if Republicans win back the chamber in the upcoming midterm elections. Citing a ‘new standard’ that Democrats had created last year by removing GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona from their committees for inflammatory rhetoric and posts, McCarthy told Breitbart he would strip Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, both of California, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota of their committee assignments.” Of course, this was to be expected. Of course, RepubliKKKlans given their grievance and vengeance tantrums were always going to retaliate. And, of course, this expected threat — and soon to be a reality — should not have deterred Pelosi from kicking MTG and Gosar off their committee assignments. And it doesn’t matter that these RepubliKKKlans were disciplined for literally threatening fellow House members, nor does it matter RepubliKKKlans are seeking revenge just for the sake of revenge. I expected nothing less. What does matter, however, is that dumbass Democrats will always get outplayed; whereas Democrats reluctantly and judiciously act, they always see such restrained actions as a ceiling of behavior, taken only rarely and in extreme cases, such as removing treacherous people from their committees. RepubliKKKlkans, on the other hand, see the ceiling as the floor, so that no retribution is out of bounds. For them, there is no such thing as a proportional response. Just like traitor trump always vowed to hit back ten times harder, RepubliKKKlans will forever execute their spitefulness ten times as much. They always will, and dumbass Democrats will always be unwilling to raise their game in defense. Oh, well. Democrats’ weakness is killing the country. Once RepunliKKKlans take back the house, Democrats will never be able to regain the majority. Welcome to stupid America. Yuuuup!