Democrats Will Cave! They Always Do!

As The Hill reports, “Democrats are grappling over whether President Biden should negotiate an increase to the debt ceiling in talks with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). Most Democrats are dead set against negotiating as Biden signals he’s prepared to meet with McCarthy, arguing any talks will just be gobbled up by Republicans who will then ask for more. Other Democrats think it is unrealistic for Biden and his party to take a no-negotiations stance, seeing it as politically rigid and likely to backfire.”

Democrats will cave! Mark my words, f***tards. I don’t know to what extent and on what issues, but they will yield because Democrats are weak! F***ing weak as f***! RepubliKKKlans know this, so they are playing hardball and willing to terrorize the economy. As completely predicted, RepubliKKKlans have interpreted their very, very narrow win in the House as a mandate from every American citizen to do whatever they want. And, to some degree, morons of America granted them the prerogative to do just that. Since Democrats are the sane and reasonable party, they feel the only alternative is to negotiate with terrorists when, in fact, they must be willing to let the country burn and blame it on RepubliKKKlans. This is losing the battle to win the war. Yet dumbass Democrats won’t engage in such tactics. RepubliKKKlans always get their way. Moreover, they always seem to convince the average American more that Democrats are the problem and that RepubliKKKlans are the fiscally responsible political party. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity that is America. Welcome to stupid America! Oh, well. People get the government they deserve and desire.