
DeSantis Signs 6-Week Abortion Ban

From NBC News, “Gov. Ron DeSantis quietly signed legislation Thursday that would ban most abortions after six weeks in Florida, a move that will weigh on his likely 2024 presidential bid. DeSantis said as far back as last month that he would sign the measure shepherded through the GOP-dominated Legislature, even as most public polling indicates a ban on abortions at six weeks of pregnancy is unpopular in both political parties. … DeSantis signed the measure just hours after the Legislature passed it Thursday afternoon. But he didn’t announce publicly that he did so until after 11 p.m.”

Clearly, this is what Floridians wanted. Full f***ing stop! And nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise. They re-elected DeSantis after Dobbs, so f***tard Floridians knew full well what was coming, and they voted for him anyway. Oh, well. I don’t give a f*** about these people. Fine! Let them suffer. Let them have unwanted babies, who will also suffer. I’m done caring about these people. Elections have consequences, yet voters seem to be the last to apprehend this fact. Moreover, this new Florida law — which is on hold until a challenge to the 15-week ban clears the state supreme court — makes the entire South an abortion desert. Oh, well! People get exactly the government they desire and desire!

Yet, there is another curious question this new law begs. Why? Given the prevailing attitude of the electorate nationwide and in Florida, in particular, is the legislature (and elsewhere) passing more significant restrictions on abortion access? Surely, DeSantis and other RepubliKKKlans understand just how unpopular these measures are, yes? So, why do they persist? The answer is multi-fold. First, they don’t care. How many other unpopular stances does the RepubliKKKlan Party take that Americans disagree with — gun control, climate change? Yet they keep getting elected and re-elected to office. They just don’t f***ing care. Second, they do it because they can. There are rarely consequences for their actions. DeSantis got f***ing re-elected for God’s sake! How many times must I say it? Hell! If I were voted back into office with his landslide victory over the Democratic opponent, then I would think I had a mandate, too. But nothing will happen to DeSantis, as is the case with other anti-abortion lawmakers and leaders; people just suck it up and continue to vote RepubliKKKlan.

And this brings me to my last point: RepubliKKKlans are undeterred with their actions because they know they have a lock on the political system in most states. This is an entirely separate matter worth another post of greater length, but in short, the RepubliKKKlan Party has been working on highjacking the political system and legislative process in states for decades (while dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel), and their efforts are finally paying off as they have achieved trifectas in 22 states; that is to say, RepubliKKKlans control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature, and in many cases also have conservative control of the state supreme court like Florida. And in some cases (e.g., Kentucky and North Carolina), states have a Democratic governor, but RepubliKKKlans command a supermajority in the legislature that can override a governor’s veto. Hence, Kentucky and North Carolina are defacto trifectas. Four other states have a Democratic governor and RepubliKKKlan control of the legislature, although not supermajorities. So, make that count at least 24 states — maybe 28. Thus, more than half the states are solidly RepubliKKKlan. Don’t believe the MSM when they say RepubliKKKlans are on their heels politically with the general public. They are not! Welcome to stupid America.