
Diamond Is Dead! Praise Jesus!

Good Riddance

According to the New York Post, “Donald Trump is mourning the death of entertainer Diamond Lynnette Hardaway, best known as one-half of the ‘Diamond and Silk’ duo, after her death Monday night aged 51. … ‘Diamond & Silk’ rose to fame during Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign after they sensationally switched from lifelong Democrats to hardcore Republicans after Trump’s White House bid was announced a year earlier. Hardaway’s health sparked concern back in November after the duo’s official Twitter account pleaded with fans to pray for her. ‘Anyone who believes in the power of prayer please pray for Diamond,’ the tweet read, however, a reason for the sudden plea was never given.”

Praise Jesus! Another traitor trump sycophant and anti-vaxxer is dead! Praise Jesus! I’m so happy that she’s gone. Too bad she couldn’t take Silk with her. These hateful people spread vileness and lies, so the world is a better place without Diamond, and will be even better when Silk kicks the bucket. I will pray on that. Praise Jesus!