Dictator Don Hoodwinking America!

President-elect Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama had an extended conversation Thursday. AFP via Getty Images

For someone who dumbass Democrats warned would be a threat to America’s democracy, they sure are eager to welcome Dictator Don into the fold as if he’s a changed man. I know. I’m a bit late to this outrage, but I have a larger point that I want to make; not only am I seeing the leaders of the Democratic Party show fealty to The Don! but I’m hearing similar deference everywhere and, in more instances than not, I hear the silence of resistance. People have entirely given up and, incomprehensively, are giving Dictator Don the benefit of the doubt in the run-up to his second term.

I turn to the Smerconish Show as a case in point. As stated in other posts, I’ve given up on the MSM, so I’ve shifted my listening habits to streaming talk and podcasts. One of the podcasts I listen to is Smerconish, who is genuinely right down the middle politically — perhaps a bit too down the middle for my tastes — but it is about as close as I will get to listening to the conservative side of the political spectrum, which is evinced by the callers to his show. Right on cue, during a recent episode, he entertained pro-Dictator Don callers who were convinced that his second term would be less chaotic than his first, and Smerconish agreed with them. And here we go again! I can’t deal with the idiocy in this country anymore. How f***ing stupid can people be? We’ve seen (lived) this horror movie before, yet people want to believe otherwise. Because Dictator Don made cabinet appointments quickly and has been somewhat reticent during this transition period, callers believe his second term would be less chaotic. Again, Smerconish agreed with their assessments. This is the classic hoodwinking of Americans — who have, clearly, learned nothing — by Dictator Don. Do these morons apprehend nothing? It is in The Don’s! nature to be chaotic. He thrives on the tumult. He stirs the pot needlessly. In fact, when things are going smoothly, he intentionally throws bombs to disrupt the calm. Pick a tweet! Pick a Q&A session with the press! Pick an unceremonious firing of a cabinet member at a whim by tweet! His cabinet picks were selected purely — beyond passing The Don’s! loyalty test — for the purpose of sowing chaos. That’s part of the master plan: Designed chaos to mask destroying the country. Americans will soon come to appreciate the stability of the “deep state,” which is nothing more than the professional class with the deep institutional knowledge that ensures government functions well no matter what political party heads the Executive Branch. This sh*t-for-brains country f***ed around, and they’re about to find out — the hard way! Mark my words, morons. Mark them well! I live in stupid hell!

Do you know what segment of society is never hoodwinked? Black women! Michelle Obama and Vice President Harris are the paragons of the only remaining portion of America that gets it. They understand! Michelle Obama, rightly, refuses to attend The Don’s! inauguration. (Although, I still haven’t forgiven Obama for her “When they go low, we go high” comment. I do think, however, that by now, she has been disabused of the notion her comment was anything but pure naivety.) And I love that Harris snubbed Senator Vance of a meeting welcoming him to the Vice President’s residence. It would appear these are the only two people in the Democratic Party with the requisite brass balls to treat the leaders of the new American Fascist Party with the disrespect to which they are entitled. But whatever. It’s all a joke at this point, for the vast majority of Americans just don’t f***ing care at this point. This is a country that has willingly entered into a mass delusion. Welcome to stupid America!