I think on day one, Dictator Don will sign an imperial decree — let’s not call such things executive orders anymore — declaring a state of emergency to “battle” immigration. Indeed, on the first day back in office, he will arrest power from the “co-equal” branches of government, centralizing all power in the White House to himself. He will order the mobilization of the National Guard and the military, stationing them in blue cities, e.g., D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and so on and so forth. In very short order, morons of America are going to understand what it feels like to live under military occupation. Watch! Just you wait. And guess what? No one will care. I promise you, no one will f***ing care. Soldiers posted on every corner in those “troublesome” cities, and people will simply carry on as if everything is normal. Mark my words, f***tards. And for the love of Christ, please disabuse yourself of any notions that The Don! can’t do this, that, or the other without breaking the law or “permission” from Congress. How f***ing stupid do you have to be to believe Dictator Don will follow the law or be bound by any precedent, norm, tradition, or scruples? Have you not been paying attention for the last decade? He declared he would be a dictator on day one, and he meant it! You idiots simply fail to believe — at your own risk! You guys just really, truly aren’t getting it if you think things will be otherwise! Welcome to stupid America.