
‘Did the F.B.I. Just Re-elect Donald Trump?’

Noted conservative David Brooks poses the question in The New York Times. He does not quite answer the question strictly but conjectures, “I presume in those circumstances Trump would be arrested and imprisoned. I also presume we would see widespread political violence from incensed Trump voters who would conclude that the Regime has stolen the country. In my view, this is the most likely path to a complete democratic breakdown. … My impression is that the F.B.I. had legitimate reasons to do what it did. My guess is it will find some damning documents that will do nothing to weaken Trump’s support. I’m also convinced that, at least for now, it has unintentionally improved Trump’s re-election chances. It has unintentionally made life harder for Trump’s potential primary challengers and motivated his base.”

He’s partially correct in that America is about to break down entirely. And, in my estimation, we are one step closer to the hot civil war that has been ten years in the making. Brooks is wrong in that traitor trump’s chances have been improved with the F.B.I. raid. No, no. I contend that his chances of winning remain unchanged because he always had a near-certain chance of winning. And all these political pundits who claim traitor trump was on the political ropes, that the Big Lie was losing its potency, and that DeSantis was about to overtake the orange man are idiots who have not been paying attention. Traitor trump only appears to have been in a political lull over the last two years; yet, he was always destined to come roaring back once he declared his presidential ambitions. The only thing the F.B.I. did was accelerate the timeline. Revving up the MAGA moron crazies and whipping the RepubliKKKlan Party in line to support traitor trump was always going to happen at the flick of a switch. DeSantis never had a chance. Pence never had a chance. All the “Never Trumpers” and traitor trump detractors never had a chance to change the course of the RepubliKKKlan Party or trumpism.

Moreover, traitor trump’s entire presidential campaign was always going to be based on revenge and lies and violence, so what the F.B.I. did or did not do and when the F.B.I. did what it did or did not do what it never intended is utterly immaterial to the eventual goal: Elect traitor trump on a platform of hatred, stupidity, conspiracy theories, and revenge. And should the D.OJ. actually charge the orange traitor with a crime — though he’ll never be convicted — the outcome was also going to be exactly the same: Political violence. Political violence before his election and political violence after the election. Political violence should he win or not win. If traitor trump should win, then the violence would merely be sanctioned by the government, and no one except enemies of the state will be held accountable. Suddenly, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will fall in love with the F.B.I. again. Mark my words, f***tard. The end was also coming; it just sped up a bit. Welcome to stupid America!