Did We Expect Anything Less?

According to CNN, “Some of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William Barr did not properly convey how damaging their findings were for President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported Wednesday.” This only confirms my distrust and disgust for Mueller. I will repeat what I’ve said all along. Mueller is just as much of a traitor RepubliKKKlan than all the rest of them. While others continue to defend his honor, I started losing faith once it became clear he would not interview traitor trump; he was just another political lackey unwilling to pursue the facts because apparently following DOJ guidelines/policies is more important than uncovering the truth about potential obstruction of justice. Nixon was correct when he said, “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” It is a RepubliKKKlan credo they have lived up to ever since. Recall, Mueller worked with Barr to draft the summary, so he is fully aware and even complicit in the coverup of the facts of the investigation. If anybody should be outraged that the A.G. is distorting the conclusions of the Mueller report it should be Mueller, but he is not, of course. Like all good traitor soldiers, he follows orders despite the greater good. There is no way history can look favorably on Mueller for passively standing by, effectively condoning traitor trump’s past and future actions as president. Welcome to stupid America where the law was created to protect the president and f*** the people! And MAGA morons love it!