Die Rush Limbaugh — Quickly!

From CNN, “A Wisconsin teacher has been suspended after tweeting that he hoped conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suffers a painful death from cancer.” I f***ing agree! I hope Limbaugh has a horrible death, and my mother died from lung cancer. It is, to be sure, a brutal, terrible death, especially at the point when it metastasizes to the brain — and it will eventually. I can think of no one else who deserves such a brutal death more! F*** him! That vile man has done more to divide America and spread hate than any other modern person living or dead. He is a hateful “human being” and should have died years ago. Last, I’m f***ing sick of liberals being sympathetic and “respectful” of Limbaugh’s situation. F*** that! I don’t know of anyone who would not kill baby Hitler if he or she had the chance, but for some reason, people get upset that we wish Limbaugh a righteous death? Un-f***ing-believable! Once again, progressives and liberals show their weakness by turning the other cheek in these instances. No! No! No! We should be ready to dance and piss on Limbaugh’s grave! Welcome to stupid America where stupid, nice people do finish last. Witness progressives (losing to traitor trump) and Limbaugh himself (being first in radio for decades)! F*** me! This country never f***ing learns!