Dishonorable Discharge: Mueller

We have learned the approximate length of the Mueller report: “NYT: Mueller report is over 300 pages long.” Relative to other special investigation reports, this length is comparable and certainly not insignificant. That is to say, there is more to learn beyond the Barr interpretation. Like all the other RepubliKKKlans that have come and gone from the traitor trump administration, they are largely silent on the incompetence and embarrassment of traitor trump. For example, even when Tillerson is unceremoniously thrown out of his job he still won’t own up to having called traitor trump a “f***ing moron,” which is manifestly true to everyone, except those dumber than traitor trump (i.e., MAGA morons). It’s not like Tillerson has anything to lose other than what’s left of his dignity and self-respect–too late–when he speaks truth to power! Traitor trump treats everybody like Scheiße and those people just go meekly into that good night (cf., George Conway comment); Mueller is absolutely no different. In short, if RepubliKKKlans fail to push back against traitor trump when they are free to do so then it is exactly the same as condoning and giving free license to his behavior and a piss-poor presidency. One would think for the sake of the country Mueller would drop a copy of his full report on the doorstep of the NYT, but no. God forbid! Apparently, the rule of law to protect a president that wants to destroy law and order is more important. Like I said before: Mueller is just as much a traitor as every other RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron. It is unforgivable that Mueller never interviewed traitor trump! Welcome to stupid f***ing America, home of 44% morons!