Disruption Is for Businesses, Not for the Global World Order

From CNN, “President Donald Trump is showing what happens when the United States abandons its decades-long role as a guarantor of stability and instead chooses to act as an agent of global disruption. A series of economic and political shocks are fomenting disorder across the planet and straining an international political system that Trump deliberately set out to undermine.” This is what a country of trump stupid people looks like! Part of the reason traitor trump was elected is to break the system. Oh, he is alright! Stupid people believe that his America first policy really means that returning to isolationism would be great for themselves. What does one expect from a country of f***ing G.D. moron voters who have absolutely no conception of the role the U.S. plays in the world order, but this is all part of the Christian capitalist greed ethos that defines RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons! It is the typical mindset of “me, me, me” first and only. Witness traitor trump as the paragon of this idealism.

Let’s just be clear about something: there is no such thing as retreating from the world anymore. Globalization is here to stay. Either America stays engaged or other countries will rush to fill the leadership/power vacuum (i.e., Russia and China). But this kind of understanding of the larger global picture does require a level of awareness and intelligence lacking in every RepoubliKKKlan and MAGA moron. They’re stuck trying to figure out who to cheat or vilify next. People who believe looking inward while ignoring everything around them that is not like themselves are dangerous idiots of the highest order. Oops, I think I just defined every Christian moron!

Welcome to stupid America where we’ll just ignore our way out of every mess. La, la, la! I can’t hear you!